Branwyn feb 2013



February issue of Indian lit-mag Branwyn

Citation preview

BRANWYN is the Goddess of love, beauty, mischief and mystery. It also relates to genuine literature. The name for this venture has been tossed by Lavkesh Kumar Singh.

Publisher : Vineeta Gupta

Editor-in-chief : Sneha Gupta

Advisor : Anuj Dhiman

Contacts :


It is the time to change our perceptions.

Indian popular fiction is witnessing its golden period. Publishing industry has got record 25% growth in recent years. Without any doubt, it is clearly evident that Indians are returning to books – their first love. The credit of this miraculous change goes to those Indian authors who opted to speak the mass language. For years, the potential Indian readers were being ignored just in the name of classicism. Readers had been there. They had always been there. But there was hardly any author who could cater to their reading necessity.

Then, like a wave, authors of new generation came. They were none other but the readers themselves who couldn’t satisfy their reading necessity. They didn’t come from literary background. They didn’t study English as subject. But they were willing to spend time in books. They didn’t intend to create milestone in literature. They just spoke their heart out. They did lack imagination. So they wrote their own story. They wrote and they were read because they never under-estimated their readers. They spoke and they were heard. Doesn’t matter what being written was nothing but own love story. What matter the most are the hands which hold the pen. Those hands are worth appreciation which preferred pen to alcohol after an unsuccessful love-affair. Those are the people who speak mass language. Today, they are writing for themselves, tomorrow they will write for the readers and after that, they will write for the society. Branwyn is totally dedicated to support and encourage every that person who loves books and cares for readers.

- Sneha Gupta

Branwyn Cover Story What do authors do on weekends?

They are weird. Authors are known for being inscrutable fellows. They are known as innocuous species famous for peculiarity. But like every other without-tail animal, authors also succeed in snatching holidays on weekends. How they spend their weekends was a question which popped in Branwyn’s mind and she decided to discover…

Nitin Vinay Khare, author of ‘I loved a street Woman’ loves to paint on his weekends. However, Nitin clarified that he loves to paint on most of the days.

Author of “No one for me”, Supratim Ghosh Dastidar, loves to spend his weekends with his friends. Spending time with friends, partying, or doing some kind of mischief seems the favourite weekend plan for most of the authors. Abhishek Aggrawal, author of “Sorry… for loving you…” loves to go on long drive with friends or watch a movie

together. But, if he is not going out with friends, he loves to sleep on weekends.

But many of our authors do not celebrate weekends at all. They spend their weekends in writing. Parikshit Rane, author of “Love Beyond Boundaries” works devotedly on his books on weekends. Anuj, author of “No vacancy for Love” spends his weekends in writing and writing and writing. However, senior writer Ashwini Ahuja reads a lot on weekends.

Kunal Marathe, who wrote ‘Suicide at Seventeen’, is a hardcore biker. He loves to explore new places like monuments, villages, rivers and nature sites on his bike.

But Sneha Kedar, author of fantasy-fiction ‘ENTRAPPED’, spends her weekends on her own journals. She loves writing her daily thoughts. Sneha Kedar also keeps a record of tickets, photos, invitation cards etc. This peculiar hobby makes her stand different among writers.

Three Questions : Sachin Garg

He is stunning. He is amazing. He is a star. He is the one who enjoys the attention of all book-lovers. But what makes him the best is his balanced nature.

Even after being a super-successful author, he is the same boy-next-door.

When Branwyn approached Author SACHIN GARG for an interview, a response from him was totally unexpected. But, not only he responded generously but also broke his attitude-image contrary to his counter-parts. That really makes him different.

Q1."I'm not 24, I've been 19 for 5 years" What actually is the intention behind this title? Is the man Sachin Garg afraid of growing old or the author Sachin Garg wants to remain young forever?

Sachin : To be honest, the title has nothing to do with me. But it has everything to do with the main character of the book, Saumya Kapoor. It reflects her mentality that she wants to remain 19

forever and not leave the innocence of being 19 and refuses to grow up [smiles].

Q2. Your pen is known for serious intensity. Does anything make author Sachin Garg laugh his lungs out? Sachin : My niece keeps me entertained. The other day she said to me, "Chachu, when I reach class 3, will you buy me a mobile phone?" Q3. Author Sachin Garg is the dreamboy of millions of girls across the country. Then what made him say "NEVER LET ME GO" with his latest book?

Sachin : Its humbling to receive the love of so many people. But Never Let Me Go was inspired by the twentieth year of my life, when the guy sitting on my next bench in my class would also not know my name. In fact, I don't think I have changed much even after my books are doing better now [smiles].

Dear Sachin, Thanks a lot! Branwyn and readers are eagerly waiting for your next book.

Miss Mishti’s Corner


As they say, if a snap with a two-minute smile looks so admirable, how admirable can a person look, with a smile all day long? If ever you ask someone for what’s your desire, what do you expect from life and the immediate response would be that they would start with a list of all the material & non-material things. And, why shouldn’t they? They have every reason to do the same. Agreed! In this metro-moving world, there are so many things that a person desires that they think will bring smile on their face, on their loved one’s face. There is always one thing that people desire but ever if they say, the listener is sure to break into a guffaw of laughter. That one thing is SMILE. Can one ever say, “I desire a SMILE and I expect my life to wear this ornament named SMILE always,”? No, no one does. Everyone in this world, be it an infant, a young heart, a mediocre mind or the old edges, every single being desires to SMILE and to spread the same.

Have one ever thought that this SMILE which their lips quest in every luxurious item of this world is totally inexpensive, and so contagious that the mere presence on one’s lips fetches the same on that of the other being.

Yes, it is indeed inexpensive to smile. No one ever tries to run this cycle backwards and see the real reasons of lost-smiles. If one ever did, one can visualize this run goes as, if one doesn’t smile, the reason can be disappointment, non-fulfillment of desires, mid-way left dreams, which can hail from Expectations, the same being the biggest reason of lost-smiles. And the same, when unexpected, result as Surprises. So expect less, be surprised more. Not

always it will add to your smiles, but it may definitely not lead to subtraction of the same from your lips. Moreover, a smiling face is the only one that can make others smile, even with no reason. Even for those who always believe in successful and profitable ventures, it takes nothing but provides a lot in return including flexing the muscles. One of the best exercises for jaws and mouth is termed as SMILE. The best attribute about the same being, it gives the richer look to every face, be it of a roadside beggar, or of a crowned-king. When we have this beautiful asset that can make us comparable to all the other beautiful faces of this graceful and elegant world, why shouldn’t we multiply it and make its fullest use? Is it really too difficult to smile? No, it’s not. So all you need to do is, just imagine a rainbow, bend it inverse and place it shaping your lips.

Miss Mishti is a CA intern living in Mumbai who enjoys and licks every bit of life like a chocolate…



Indian popular fiction, no-doubt, sails in the sea of love-stories, most of which happen to be the personal notes of the authors who wish to share their agony with the readers. In this storm of love-stories, a precise book on science-fiction drags attention. Penned by an Electrical Engineer Mohit Gupta, “AND GOD MADE A MISTAKE” is a full-fledged science-fiction with a good blend of mythological reference in it. Whole story revolves around use and misuse of science. As they science is a boon and science is a curse. The scientific plot which Mohit

weaves seems questioning the supremacy of Almighty God. Plot of the book : Mohit manages to create an engrossing plot for the book. The theory of ‘immortality’ via technology advances creates a clear picture of the author’s engineering background. Mohit has significantly utilized his knowledge earned during his engineering program. The clear description of the whole process including the CD-ROM and CD-RAM theory makes it easier to get convinced. The technological part of the science-fiction novel undoubtedly appreciable. But the logical part somewhere creates confusion. However, the author successfully makes the book gripping enough on the basis of technology which compensates everything else.

The story starts with a device called ‘boon’ which is capable of storing the memory of human brain which could be later transferred into other devices also. The bloody game starts when an evil mind discovers it. The inventor of ‘boon’ Dr. Vardhaan loses his life. After 12 years of his death, the ‘boon’ comes in a transformed way to surprise the Vardhaan children Ayann and Aalia. From here starts the hide and seek of good and evil which ends with a transformed world. The canvas of the novel is huge. Mohit does not confine the story in one city or one country. When the question comes of humanity, we travel through almost all the powerful countries of the world and also meet the Secretary General of United Nations. Not to mention that author’s thought has broad and huge aspects. This particular approach makes the

novel stand different among the crowd. Characterization : In spite of having a huge canvas and strong plot, the surprising element of the novel is its number of characters. The full-fledged science-fiction has very few characters to be remembered. The story opens with the death of the inventor of ‘boon’, Dr. Vardhaan. Readers get to know least about him since he remains alive only in the prologue. However the interaction of Ayaan and Aalia, his children, successfully convinces the readers about his being a loving and disciplined father. Later, Dr. Vardhaan’s colleague and friend Dr. Arya sketches him as a person of unique intellect and a remarkable scientist. Thus, the author successfully portrays the character of a deceased person.

Coming to the protagonist; Ayaan Vardhaan, is the son of Dr. Vardhaan. He grows up to become a military officer. We meet a very handsome young man as a protagonist in the later chapters of the novel. Like a hero, Ayaan happens to be a loving brother and a responsible son. He successfully fits the frame of a hero who decides to avenge his father’s death. However, at a certain point, readers confront contradiction in his character. Ayaan is a well-built military officer. But in a scene, we find our young military officer being beaten by a middle-aged man. That somewhere tickles the mind. In fact, in the whole book, we do not find our hero indulged in any kind of action scene except the climax where he holds the culprit on gun-point. The book is the story of mind-game. That could be the reason of zero-action scenes. It

could be taken as a drawback of Ayaan Vardhaan as the hero of the story. But overall, Ayaan certainly fits the frame. The other protagonist, Ayaan’s sister Aalia is the centre of attraction. Mohit has sketched her character as a sweet Indian girl who is always pampered by her brother. We find Aalia always in the shower of her brother’s affection. As her elder brother, Ayaan takes proper care of her. Aalia as a kid is too innocent to be of her age. And later, she grows to follow the typical Indian shadow. She is good in kitchen and household chores. A simple tea incident explains this quality. Later in the story, her brave and bold nature comes to readers as a surprise. The quick decisions which Aalia takes to trace her lost brother in a foreign country, are quite appreciable. Thus, overall Aalia represents

Indian femininity in its true sense. Other characters of the novel have also been given due importance. Nanny’s selfless love for her master’s children adds beauty to the bond. She somewhere follows the shadow of the legend Panna Dhaay. Samar, Nanny’s son, very transparently shows the grief of a disabled person. His annoyance and the grief hidden behind it, has been well described by the author. His hatred for Vardhaan siblings stands on logical ground. He holds them responsible for his disability. Here, Mohit very efficiently sketches his dilemma. It is said that sometimes disasters make us mature. Something similar happens to Samar when he loses his mother and learns about Ayaan’s absence. Later in the story, we meet a totally

changed Samar who becomes Aalia’s devoted brother. Other important characters of the novel are Dr. Goenka and the villain of the story Dr. Sally. Both the scientists symbolize intelligence in two different spheres. Dr. Goenka, being a victim of his own envy, represents the rivalry prevailing in almost every field of life. Dr. Sally defines everything quite differently though. Being the villain of the novel, he meets readers with his shrewdness and mutilated intelligence. The misuse of science goes to horrifying levels with his cunning intelligence. Treatment of love in AND GOD MADE A MISTAKE There isn’t any romantic angle in the book but the story is not deprived of love. We find love-bonding among the characters. The filial affection of Nanny

towards her master’s children stands as an example. The love-bonding of Vardhaan siblings creates soothening effects among the turmoil. Two successive disasters fill Samar’s heart with love for Aalia. The author has consciously or sub-consciously sketched the hidden emotions of humans in this science-fiction story. Ayaan risking his life to save humanity is something worth appreciation. Here, we find love breaking the confined logics and definitions and reaching the global sphere. Mohit’s theory of evilism Mohit Gupta treats evilism on the ground of shrewdness and ambitions. However, the evil remains quite suspicious all throughout the book except the climax. We find murders after murders being committed in

the book. Killing people seems quite easy for Dr. Sally. However, we discover that Mohit’s villain is religious also. Ayaan finds several religious symbols in Dr. Sally’s personal cabin. So, it is not to be ignored that Mohit’s villain fears the Almighty. Dr. Sally not only uses his brain but also his physical strength to suppress his opponents. He doesn’t mind finishing his rivals. In several scenes, the middle-aged scientist surprisingly takes over the new blood Ayaan. But, in the climax, when Dr. Sally loses everything, an altogether different human comes into view after his confession. Here Mohit shows us that the sense of guilt which prevails in a God fearing heart overtakes the evilism.

Thus, we see that Mohit’s villain is a cunning fellow of shrewd intelligence and also a brutal murderer but in the end, he is a God-fearing man. And this is how, Mohit successfully escapes reaching the height of evilism. Overall, Mohit Gupta has done an appreciable job with ‘AND GOD MADE A MISTAKE’.


Mohit with his book

Trapped Ridiculously Ishaan Lalit, author of “Bracelet” and “Hexagon”, was just loitering around when Branwyn caught him and trapped him ridiculously… Branwyn : So Ishaan, you love to travel? What do you prefer to? Walking or running?

Ishaan : Ha ha ha... Walking, I think. I like to think I love a pretty walk.

Branwyn : But what if a lion who just escaped from the Gir forest spots you out of hunger? You'll walk or run? Or just turn back to say "Hello"?

Ishaan : I would rather turn around and say 'Hello'. We all know that I am not outrunning that beast. Plus maybe he will listen to me and we can share awkward glances before we awkwardly walk away from each other. That is how I see that one ending in my head.

Branwyn : Well, that is pretty better. But what if the lion requests to accompany you in walking?

Ishaan : Beggars can't be choosers, I will walk with a scared expression but I will walk. and my next book will be called walking with lions.

Branwyn : Wow! You must acknowledge the lion in the book. By the way, how much cool does it sound to share a walk with a lion?

Ishaan : No not really. I am an author, I like to put my fictional characters through these things where they would be going through a flurry of emotions. While I am being entertained and entertaining. I would never like to walk anywhere near a lion in the wild.

Branwyn : That sounds boring! Anyways Ishaan, as it is said that when you spend 7 minutes with someone, he becomes your friend. As you're walking with a lion, he already becomes your friend. So, what would you do if your new friend asks you for a treat?

Ishaan : This is the apt moment for me to run most ungracefully and climb up a tree.

Branwyn : And what if there are no trees around except a pine?

Ishaan : Pine will have to do. Try to climb it or die trying and in my last moments try to convince the lion that I am not going to taste good. I think the lion has had enough what do you think. Shall we let him go? By the way I don't believe that you can make a friend in seven minutes.

Branwyn : Well well well, we'll discuss friendship later. But Before we transport Mr. Lion back to Gir, tell me, will you really run to the pine?

Ishaan : Yup! Without looking back.

Branwyn : Great! So, we see that eventually you ended up in running contrary to your previous preference of walking. Isn't so Ishaan?

Ishaan : Yes but that is in a life or death situation. I prefer walking.

Branwyn : Then? Shall I call the lion back?

Ishaan : That is not nice

Branwyn : Ishaan, be it nice or not, you left the lion without his treat. That wasn't nice either.

Ishaan : No it is not and I am happy about it

Branwyn : But what about your reputation? What if we find the lion blabbering around that Author Ishaan Lalit turned him away in a total hungry state?

Ishaan : I think human rights trump lion rights.

Branwyn : Lions do have their rights and lefts also. Didn't you hear about PETA? Turning away a lion in his hunger is totally unexpected from you.

Ishaan : I have heard about PETA and it is a shame that they are keeping lions hungry.

Branwyn : Then you must compensate their fault. What do you say? You are also an author.

Ishaan : Yes author, not a wild life activists. Do they even commit suicide with a lion? Maybe not.

Branwyn : But we cannot take the risk of the lion blabbering against authors' community. Author Ishaan Lalit turning away a lion hungry is such a big news, you see.

Ishaan : No it is not, Author Ishaan Lalit getting eaten by a lion is bigger. And it will be painful.

Branwyn : But the news of Author Ishaan Lalit sacrificing himself for the sake of a lion's hunger would be the biggest one. And don't worry Ishaan, we'll hang your portraits across the country reminding the world of your sacrifice. What say?

Ishaan : I have a lot more to give the world through my words if I continue with the living. Thank you very much.

Branwyn : But how to turn the hungry lion away? I hope you're comfortable there up above the pine. Ishaan : Yes with pine thorns digging in my back and with pine corns brushing against my skin. Not to mention the constant wondering how long will the lion wait also the seriously expensive therapy I will have

to go through after the whole episode? Yes comfortable, that somehow sums it all up.. Branwyn : Don't worry, Ishaan I shall go and find out some rangers who would turn the lion away. Till then, you please keep yourself awake on the pine. No matter how much time we take to come back for your rescue, we'll never forget to send you cards every year on your birthday. Good Luck! Ishaan : What is gonna take you guys so long? You people just waiting and watching, having your fun reading every move. Writers are just so undervalued these days.

Ishaan : That is the problem everywhere Ishaan. Lions are weighed more than authors.

Ishaan : What to do now?

Branwyn : Take care Ishaan! Please don't sleep up above on the pine. It may take us a little long to return with the rescue team.

And thus, leaving Ishaan on the top of the pine, Branwyn preferred to run away.

Branwyn doesn’t know how Ishaan got back. But if you guys find him searching for her, never tell him where she is.

And this was how Ishaan looked when he secretly planned to take revenge from Branwyn….

Mr. Attitude says…

MODERNIZATION- A (bio) LogicaL perspective

How can I write about modernization when I, myself have no idea about it? How does it come? What does it signify?

And I really get confused when someone pompously produces, 'I am modern' or 'My

thoughts are modern' or 'I need a modern girl for marriage'. This fact needs more

enlightenment as the grand modernization enters with slow and steady steps in the civilization without notice. It is mandatory,

omnipresent, unstoppable proposition that might make a human of an animal.

Humans have been a strange species. Our

ancestors learnt to stand straight, cook food, domesticate plants and animals, and reproduce at their own will, again

distinguishing themselves from the

seasonal maters, and of course modernizing themselves. Use of fire,

invention of wheel, co-operation over competition, neogeny, and all the

development.... Having a conscience, reacting to stimuli-

strangely to the emotional ones, made us more modern.

We grew up to be infantile adults. Our children were slow developers and mothers

had to pay more attention to them. There was a risk of a female getting involved with another male and produce more

children thereby, producing confusion and increasing the burden on the single parent. Result, a bond-pair was formed. That was

the first major Modernization Phase of evolving human beings; controlling their

carnal-drives or focusing the whole on a single partner. Today, we call it marriage. I won't go in to Biology much, but have we really modernized? The pair-bonding has failed miserably under the title of infidelity. Rest are details. Modernization of first phase is deteriorating in the name of wrong choices and sometimes, cultural differences.

We, the humans have largest brains and sex-drive also. What needs to be controlled more? Modernization says, ".............."

Mr. Attitude is a psychedelic writer known for writing controversial flames. A genius Mathematician is his identity besides being a stylish author.

Mr. LaVa explodes

For you my child… Delhi is an aunt. Her love is conditional, her wrath ruthless. She doesn't like my staying with her, but feeds me nonetheless. Her heat is as disgraceful as her coldness is infernal. All her moods make me suffer, and yet, when she discovers that my soul has begun to crumble in her heat, her compassionate tears come down through her pollution laden clouds. Unfailingly. She indeed is an aunt. It was on one of these days, when dark clouds had finally arrived as a bacon of relief, that the futility of life became too

evident to me. Strange as it may that sound, these occasional moments of trivial gaiety have something about them that bring in an exalted level of feelings to you. Suddenly, in an illegal shop with roof made of plastic sacks, all I could see myself surrounded by, was hollowness. I was running a race that had no winners. My life, my endeavours, my identity, my struggle, my dreams and my small castles would all perish unnoticed. Nothing that I could ever achieve could ever make a difference. Disappearing in anonymity was the fate i was doomed to. My pursuits were inconsequential, my being insignificant, my contribution a mere conceit... It was then that I spotted the child. Sleeping on a wooden plank, infested by flies, surrounded by indifferent smokers in the humidity of the unforgiving weather, covered by a dirty dupatta, she

suddenly bestowed relief to my whining mind. Her posture got pasted in my mind which a drew a picture of hope, of defiance, of faith. Of victory. It is a silent story of what is really important in life It is a testimony of intrinsic human strength. It is a proof of how baseless our fears are, and how resilient we inherently are. And in a simple yet concealed way, it shows, that happiness is, after all, an internal characteristic. And yes. I will never sign autographs. I will never sign cheques with multiple zeros in favour of charitable organizations. Perhaps, I will never go on a UN mission. But, it is my promise my child, that I will work hard. I will take the right steps, however small they may be. I will pay my taxes, irrespective of how much of that be eaten by some unflinching bastards that

serve as public servants. I will vote. I may or may not succeed, but will never be guilty of not having tried. I promise you that. All that sweat and blood shall irrigate my land. We shall march. My life, if not a revolution, will be an attempt. Every single day of it. Maybe, child, you would someday, after all, be able to get a soft bed for yourself. I dedicate my blood and my sweat for your soft bed.

Mr. LaVa is a soul never at peace. But once you ignore his self-proclaimed megalomania with fallacies, you discover that he stores double-folds than what he actually speaks out. He lives in Delhi and works in Tecnova.

Re-defining Myth with Abhishek’s BRAHMA

Abhishek Leela Pandey is known for doing same things differently. When he releases the first news of his upcoming book Brahma, he makes it clear that it is not like Amish Tripathi’s “Shiva Trilogy”.

“It would be unjust to compare ‘Brahma’ with ‘Shiva Trilogy’. Brahma is actually an

encyclopedia. It is a technological mystery. I have done much research in writing the whole book. Something unique about the book is it could be read as a fiction and also one could utilize it for several references.” Abhishek says.

In very less time, Brahma has gone somewhat viral with its approach. Recently Abhishek conducted a contest for the role of Vaani – Brahma’s protagonist. The contest winner is supposed to play the role of Vaani in a 3-minute movie based on Brahma.

Abhishek has succeeded in raising interest among readers for his upcoming venture. He talks about Brahma’s lead characters :

Brahma- a 30 years old scientist, management expert, writer and a strategist planner has a new agenda... A shrewd wanton, a hidden organizer and an unarmed warrior... This time he is handling ammunition, artillery and military... a never seen before Avatar... A charming lad and a fierce lover...

Vaani- the woman who made Brahma a lover- the Fierce One... A musician, the founder of seven notes, first female mathematician who discovered the logic of 7- the numeral... the magical number... her destiny awaits her stature... Be a part of her quest to attain the status of a Goddess- for all the women of the world, Vaani is the role model...

Vishnu has come- the most stylish assassin, a cold blooded killer, a disguise expert, atrocious, arrogant, egoist, straightforward and at times rude. Charming yet notorious... In what lies beneath the eyes of a pup, face like an innocent baby... are the brains fed on experience and muscles designed to kill and an attitude acquired to keep enemies begging for mercy... What does a man need... kingdom, material, power, popularity or just a Belief- Vaishnavism...

Parasara- the great sage and an assistant to Brahma- en expert in Literature and Social Sciences First husband of Rani Satyawati... What can a man love- a lady, nation or humanity? Know about the man who cared about the true form of love; the man who fathered Ved Vyasa; the man who successfully did a medical operation to restore virginity of a lady... Knowledge has no limits and Practice enhances its utility...

Taksha- the consort of Asura A lady who goes beyond all the apparent boundaries to serve the cause of his love- be it unethical but this what she believes in LOVE IS BETTER THAN WAR; and she is perfect at both of them... a ruthless killer, an alluring beauty, a sizzling persona and a master of hand combat... trained in weapons of mass

destruction... manipulates science for spreading evil...

And Asura - He is the negative shade of every mortal, and in some cases, immortal. Asura is the epicenter of all the evil which transcends through ages and reaches eternity.

So, if Asura is the epicenter of all the evil, then will Brahma decide his locus and focus?

“Ha ha”, Abhishek laughs, “Wait till the release of Brahma. It is more a revelation than a novel.” says he.

Mr. YouKnowMe’s Corner

The White Smoke

Dear Love,

I don’t know if you will ever read it or not. But still I’m writing it. I wish you were here. I wish I could go back to the time and change everything. If only I could…

Every day I wake up and stay in bed for some more time. And Try to realize that if I am still alive or not. I move out of the bed and come out to see the rising sun; only to realize that I still have the sight. I call your name for a few times; only to know that I still haven’t lost my voice. I stay alone in this dark room, spending the whole day without uttering a single word. I still remember the moments we spent together. Your memories are only reason which makes me smile sometimes. I think I’m forgetting to

smile nowadays, because every time I smile, I feel immense pain. Unbearable pain.

After losing my family, I believed that I am not meant to live and I won’t last anymore. I became isolated from the rest of the world, and depression caught me badly. In those gloomy days I found peace in smoking. With each smoke, I forgot my pain. Cigarette became the most caring friend of mine because it burned itself just for the sake of my peace of mind. No one does that for me ever..

Then one day you came into my life, like a wind of change. And I kept falling in love with you. All the glooms turned into happiness and I started feeling your presence even when I walked alone. My whole world was dabbed in your love. I even started liking PINK because it was your favorite color. You changed my life completely. But one thing was there, which still remained unchanged, “The White Smoke”…

You know what is similar between love and smoking?

In both cases, day by day you get addicted, and if you have to stay away from it, even for a while; you get frustrated and commit the biggest mistakes of your life.

I still remember the day when you asked me to make a decision, to choose between love and smoking. And my addiction replied –“I can live without love but I can’t even imagine life without smoking,”

It all happened so out of the blue that I still don’t know how I made this decision. And committed the biggest mistake of my life.

You left me and all the happiness of my life followed you. All my dreams got shattered. Our photos suffered my anger; I burned them all. Days felt dreadful and nights became the salvation of solace. Even after the second flip out of my life, one this was still the same, “The white smoke”…

I smoked even more, one after another, without realizing, that with each cigarette, I was burning my soul and inviting my death to come early…

One day, after seeing blood in cough, I went to the doctor. After checkup and some tests, he told me that due to excessive smoking cancer have spread in my lungs and it’s in the last stage. I roughly have a few months to live. If I will keep smoking, time can reduce drastically.

It was the third flip in my life. The life which was about to end soon.

I heard the echo of your words, when you asked me to leave smoking. I thought I should tell you about my condition, but I couldn’t gather the courage to face you. Instead I’m writing this letter and leaving it for you. Once I’ll leave this world, if you will read it, you will know how much I loved you….

Yours…. No One…

Mr. YouKnowMe is someone whom all of us know yet all of us are still to discover. He is a biker, an author and like all of us, a lover of life…

Celebrity speaks

Neha Aggrawal, author of “Sometimes life feels like very rude” speaks about LOVE and MONEY…

“For me! LOVE is inner luxury whereas MONEY is outer luxury. Yes, money can give you only two times bread n butter or luxurious assets but not peace of mind and happiness. In life money comes and goes. It is unstable.

But what always stay in your very life is your relations which cannot be bought from money. Even though the reality of universe is that we human beings are also creature of love as without love between our originators we even can’t take birth. On the other side I m not denying that money is nothing. Yes it matters but by the certain level. Though nowadays most of the souls are running for money only. They just want

more n more money. But do you ever ask them why they want enough money that beyond their need? I know your answer is no! But I ask them even I do research and 95% of them always answer that they want money in bulk because they want big bungalows and cars. Then I ask them why you want big bungalows and cars? Don’t one car and house enough for you? Then they think for a while and answer yes one car

and house enough for us but if we own big bungalows and cars people respect us and as well as love us more. Hope you all got your answer!

At the end of the life how much money and property we have with us do not matter at all as after death we can’t take it with us but what matter is how many hearts we touch and heal throughout the beautiful yet dark journey of our life. The only thing you take with you at the end of your life is your conscience with jam-packed of love so listen to it. Let it guide you. It is what is right. At last I just want to say that whatever

happens, it is all because of love whether it is bad or good. Even in our mythologies the main reason of Ramayana and Mahabharata was only LOVE not THRONE. “

Miss Angela’s world My real name is not Angela. Neither I am as beautiful as the girl in the picture herewith. But both are my dreams. To be as good as an angel and as beautiful as the girl in the picture is all I dream about. I love her big eyes and beautiful face. Some years ago, I thought and believed that it is not necessary to be good-looking by face, but one should be good at heart. I failed miserably in my thought. It came as a cruel lesson for me that not only a good heart but a good face is also needed for a girl.

There are a lot of people who prove me wrong me my recent thought.

They say that being good at heart is more important than being good at face. Most of them are my friends. But I wonder why this thought never works beyond the comfortable zone of friendship! Except my friends, every person I meet never stops giving me a few suggestions regarding the fairness of my skin. Some of them happen to be home-made and some cosmetics.

I wonder why it is more necessary to look good than to be good!

This insecurity has got its roots deep inside my heart.

My friends still say that I am the most beautiful girl they know.

But except my friends….

I never understood that if looking good was that important, then why I was always told and expected to be a good girl by nature and heart.

If my nature has lower value than my face, then why I was taught to have good nature, why not a good face?

Miss Angela wants to remain unseen and unknown to everybody except her close friends. Yet she hopes to be discovered by her someone special.

Branwyn Quiz Contest

1. Name the second book of Ishaan Lalit.

2. Who is the author of “No Vacancy for Love”?

3. Who is Taksha? 4. Who is the protagonist

of “I’m not 24, I’ve been 19 for five years”?

5. Who wrote “Sometimes life feels like very rude.”?

6. Name the book written by “Supratim Ghosh Dastidar”.

7. Who is the author of “Entrapped”?

8. Who wrote “Love beyond Boundaries?”

9. Name the main villain of “And God made a Mistake.”

10. Name the author who prefers painting to writing.

Guidelines : 1. Answers should be sent

to with “Branwyn Feb13 Quiz” in the heading.

2. Team members of Branwyn are not

entitled to participate in the contest.

3. Last date for submission is 15th March 2013. Entries received after date will not be entertained.

4. Winners will be selected by lucky draw. Branwyn holds sole and unquestionable judgment rights.

5. Name of the winners will be announced in next issue. Three lucky winners will get a cash prize of 500/- each.

Good Luck

Branwyn will be publishing short stories from its May issue. Short story writers are invited to submit their stories. Every published story will win a cash prize of INR 2000/-.

Following is the guideline for submission:

1. The story should be original and should not violate any copyright issue.

2. Stories should not contain any vulgar content.

3. There will a time-span of 6 months between considering entries from the same writer.

4. Any writer found violating the copyright issue or indulged in plagiarism, will be banned from Branwyn forever and he/she will be condemned publicly in Branwyn’s coming issues.

Branwyn Announcements :

5. There is no word limit for the

stories. However, precise stories will be preferred.

6. Branwyn holds the sole right of accepting or rejecting the stories. No clarification will be made from Branwyn’s part.

7. Writers are requested to send their stories in a word file with their small pictures, name, location and company/college name. They are requested to copy the following declaration in the email : I,…..[name]…., s/o / d/o / w/o ……..[guardian’s name]……, hereby declare that,

a) The story titled ………[title of your story]….., which I am submitting in monthly magazine Branwyn has been written by me and it is my original piece of work.

b) That it does not violate any copyright issue and is free from plagiarism.

c) That it is a fictional work of creative imagination and I, by no means intend to hurt anybody’s personal emotions.

d) That if my work is found violating any copyright issue, then I am solely responsible for it and not Branwyn. Send your entries to

Editor Sneha says.. It gives me immense pleasure to finally bring “Branwyn” to all of you. I have been working on the project for more than two years.

Now, that you have patiently gone through the pages and read it, do not become a miser and drop me an email at

You can criticize, comment, laugh or cry in my mail. I am eagerly waiting for you people’s response.

Do send your suggestions regarding the improvement and

what new features you’ll like to see in Branwyn. Please note that from next month, Branwyn will be coming with lots of surprises.

If you wish to contact any of Branwyn’s columnists, please feel free to drop me an email. Waiting to hear from you…


Your true friend SNEHA…