BBC news analysis




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BBC News Analysis

The BBC News ident is a red and white turning globe with white stripes moving around the globe to represent the speedy gathering of news from all over the world. It also the number 6 to denote it is the news at 6 O’Clock

Like ITV News, the BBC chose Swine Flu as their lead story. They had a VT package (pre-recorded video), live reporting from Dulwich and an ‘expert’ in the studio.

Harriet Harman was also chosen as the secondary story by the BBC. The story was that Harman was challenging Brown for the Labour leadership, a story which Harman was denying. They used interview footage from their morning programme for this.

The BBC also used graphics to further explain the story and this features in their other stories too. They might do this because they have a wide target audience and they need to explain complicated issues in detail. The graphics illustrate their points

The BBC studio and presentation of news followed similar conventions to ITV. There was a large studio with a presenter behind a desk and graphics displayed behind. The presenter is dressed in a suit to show professionalism. You can see the ‘newsgatherers’ in the background and this is to assure the audience the process never stops – they are still gathering news.

BBC News Analysis

The story also featured a Labour Party member giving an ‘insider’ opinion on the story.

This is a story about Fiat car company who are in trouble financially. The camera always cuts back to the studio for the introduction of a new story. The presenter introduces the story with a graphic behind and then it usually cuts to live coverage or a VT package. In this case it’s a VT package.

This is the VT package, recorded in the Fiat factory. It features moving images of the production process and interviews with the manager and the workers.

Again the BBC have used graphics to illustrate and further explain the story. This is a major advantage of the newspapers who have to use a lot of text to explain in detail and then a lot of their audience will switch off and turn the page.
