Bayko Roman Adventure


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Carpe Diema Roman conspiracy from the ‘Bayko Baron’

• A fanfare of trumpets announces the triumphant return of Aelius Carpe to Carpena

• The City Fathers greet him from the rostrum

• The parade moves on to the Temple of Apollo – where Carpe’s plunder is already on show

• While behind him the entourage and menagerie of Princess Selene enters the forum – yes, that is her pet panther in the litter!

• Ousted from Cyprus by her kinswoman, Cleopatra, the Princess seeks the help of The Senate – Aelius Carpe is her….. Friend and protector

• As her carriage comes in view concealed bowmen atop the Sempronian baths take aim

• Still others take aim from the flank

• Chaos engulfs the parade as retainers slump, as the goblet spills from the princess’ nerveless hand

• The panther is rudely ejected as the stricken princess is transferred to the litter and hurried into the protection of

Casa Carpe

• The escort charges into the baths…

……And the tavern – but the birds are already flown

• In desperation a general search is ordered, while the princess’ menagerie is left to its own devices

At the Domus Petronii the children howl with delight as their new pet sees the soldiers off

• While at the Faun House another piece of the Princess’ livestock has already found safe shelter

• While a further casualty is taken at the cistern when a soldier offers….. help….. To the wrong young woman

While elsewhere, another comes face-to-face with a woman he once made a promise to

• Even the insula tenement blocks of the poor are searched

• Hope surges for a moment when the raised horrea at the granary are found – but with no result

• No haystack is left un-needled – but all to no avail

• As the reports come back Tribune Amantus must accept his failure

• The tribune presents himself at Casa Carpe to report his failure

• To his surprise his welcome, despite the corpse on the couch, is remarkably warm

• So warm in fact that he is even introduced to the real Princess Selene – a few retainers and an unfortunate double is small price to pay to convince

the Senate she is threatened

• While outside the citizens get a little free entertainment as the venatii from the local gladiator school turn out to round up the beasts

• …. And so we say Ave et Vale to sleepy Carpena…. For the moment
