Bayko Pirates 4


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The Loom O’Shean 2014the 5th ‘Bayko Baron’ pirate adventure

• The Loom O’Shean – Once a Dutch tobacco plantation, now the lair of Violent Vinny Arbuthnot

• The Imperial Galleon SS Santissima diverted by Governor Don Lardo y Graspo for a mission of his own

• The old tobacco curing shed and slave cabins now home to Violent Vinny’s crew and their companions

• The Regimento Irlanda form up on the beach

• The old Factor’s House – Violent Vinny is clearly having trouble getting Missy Lu-Lu to come and join the fiesta

• Beach palms give way to forest as the climb across the mountains begins

• The pirates cheer while their women dance

• The Governor of Nuevo Arnajuez, Don Lardo y Graspo himself

• The older pirates, and their macaque, take care of the pig roast

• The Irlanda scouts arrive undetected

The sounds of fiesta mask any noise and there are no sentries

• Molly Sloane looks up from her squash-patch, opens her mouth to scream and dies

The pirates turn at the crack of musketry but are already too late

• Unarmed and ambushed the buccaneers run for their boats

But the flanking squads turn the beach into a slaughter pen

While the Santissima arrives to deliver a salvo of grape and langridge

The handful that make it to the boats are shot down in a hail of bullets

• Taken inside the house Vinny is saved till Don Lardo arrives to see him swing

• There will be no rapine – but no survivors either – even Dribble the Doberman dies

Don Lardo and the Irlanda come away – above them the Santissima is volleying hot shot now

While behind them the air fills with smoke and the stench of scorching meat
