Bass-Ackwards Apoc Part 1



The college years for my strange twist on the apocalypse challenge for the Sims2

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Okay, this is going to take a little explanation. First off, I’ve played several apocalypses, even completed a few including an adult start. However all of them have been unpublished because, well, I am lazy. So I was looking for something newish to putz around with while I am still recovering from Otakon and getting back into simming and storytelling. And I keep coming back to doing an apocalypse for fun. However not a typical one, where you beeline for certain restrictions, like Medical, Military, Science, or Culinary. You know the sane lifts.

Instead, I am going to go for the “useless” lifts. The ones that everyone, including myself, save for last. Because lets face it, Artist really doesn’t have much in the way of teeth. Who the hell wants to lift Law in the first few generations? I did conduct a poll of what people consider crucial and what is meh. In fact the poll is still going on and can be found on my livejournal.

Oh and this apoc is not going to be full of plot. In fact, it is going to be pretty brainless. Most of the babbling will be in my rationale for doing what I did. So lets meet our founder shall we?

Meet Xavier Doran, one of my 10 kids from my turn at the Boolprop Round Robin Legacy. No, this is not an official spare story. First off there is no Logan and those two are joined at the hip. And second off there is no Logan. And third, well you get the picture. This is totally non-canon. Got it?


Moving on. Xavier is a romance/pleasure sim. He really wants to woohoo 20 sims. He has the stats that he was born with, 2/10/6/2/10 and his pre-destined hobby of arts and crafts.

And that is about the last you will see Freetime, Pets, or Apartment Life mentioned. I may be playing in a game with the expansions installed, but I will be ignoring them. I suggest you do the same.

In my poll, the top most useless career lift picked was Artist. So guess what Xavier’s major is gonna be?

If you guessed Art, give yourself a point or take a drink. Whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, Xavier here is going to studiously ignore the creepy garden club woman checking out his ass.

And we’re off! College is officially a go. And if I play this right, we should never have to grace these halls again.

Xavier settled into the skilling, studying, and socializing that makes up the Sims2 University experience.

“Hey Christy! I’m gonna marry you someday!”


“Way to lure in the chicks, dude.”

“And what makes you think that I am going to marry you?”

“I’m a redheaded Romance/Pleasure sim and we have three bolts without my creator having to mess.”

“Please tell me that you aren’t an apocalypse founder.”


“So Guys… My creator gave me both my original personality and my original gender preference when she made me. Guess what that is?”

“Oh for the love little green apples, please don’t tell me that you are one of those indiscriminate Romance Sims.”

“Okay, I won’t tell you. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go dig up the front lawn.”

“Why am I doing this again?”

Because mining is a time honored tradition in legacies and challenges alike. And by the time you graduate, you will have found four treasure chests, two expensive vases, several maps, forty five bones, thirty something rocks, and a lot of other random detritus.

“But how am I supposed to study?”

Oh I’ve got a plan for that.

“Um, Random Mohawk Dormie, my creator tells me that you are willing to do my term paper in exchange for 2500 influence points.”

“Sure thing. Anything to get me away from strategically placed mac’n’cheese bowls.”

“Well that was easy? Now what?”

Time to go practice your romance skills.


“Um, creator, when I thought you were going to have me practice romance, this isn’t what I had in mind.”

Tough cookies. You need the charisma points for your career and better here where I can give you the fall skilling boost than in the main hood where you are just shit out of luck.

“But I wanna have some fun! And my social is plummetting like a rock!”

Fine go rally the masses.

The faster you are able to bust a move, the faster you can go make friends/lovers/future generation spouse fodder.

Dancing skills learned, it was finally time to start working on operation permaplat.

One down.

“Um, creator person! I’d like to re-roll my LTW!”

No. This one is doable while in Uni, and unless you are willing to become a knowledge sim and max seven skills and never woohoo until you are married you are stuck.

“Um, I’m gonna withdraw my request.”

Good choice.

Two down.




Don’t you love number four dropping off a date gift while Xavier here is saying hello to number five? The lovely fountain she left contributed nicely to the ‘let’s not live in a complete hovel’ fund.

Way to interrupt a date when Xavier was about to get lucky. Can we say bad timing? Although it was inevitable…

“Hi guys! It’s great to meet you all, but really I left my date in front of the photobooth. So I’ll just grab my jacket and all of your useful career rewards and go.”


I’ve got a hunch that number six here is feeling a little used. I have no idea why…

“Ahh yes, this is the way to skill… Now to see about my grades…”



“What do you think you are doing, young man?”

“Um nothing.”

“It doesn’t look like nothing.”


“I’m sorry I had to bust you, Mr. Cute Romance Sim, but it’s my job and I’m going to need to take your computer that you appropriated from the hall.”

“Sure, whatever. I have plenty of influence points yet. I’ll plop down an assignment and have one of my lovers do it for me.”

“Do you think I could be your lover.”

“Um. No.”

“Oh what have I gotten myself into?”

It looks like Seventh place…




And then Xavier decided he wanted to throw a little wrench in my plans. You see, I have the romancemod from Pescado that makes falling in love harder. This girl, with his mother’s facial template, was the first person that Xavier fell in love with. And she also was the only one who he rolled up the want to get engaged to. In fact, his want panel at the time had 3 engagement related wants and fears.

But I, being the hardass that I am, said ‘No!’ and blithely continued on my path.

This was a fairly common sight around the dorm.

As was this.







And apparently because the path of woohoo is such an arduous journey the gypsy decided to leave us a little gift.

I thought long and hard about what I was going to do with the lamp. And then I said, ‘Screw it!’ it is pre-apoc anyway, use the wishes.

So I did.

Yay money!

What? Why didn’t I wish for “Peace of Mind” you ask? Well considering he is only 4 woohoos away from his LTW. I think I can pull that off.

And getting back on track…



Nineteen and Twenty…

Yes I cheated. I woohooed this one first on a community lot in Veronaville and then brought her back here for another go…

Hey, I wasn’t the first to exploit this loophole. And in an Apoc you need to learn to exploit things… ^_^

So here is our newly permaplat boy.

Now all he needs to do is to secure a spouse and graduate...

“Christy, AKA Lisa or Steia, will you do me the honor of being my wife once I get Artist lifted so you can live an even worse apocalypse life than the one you had before?”

“You call that a proposal?” Random Dormie dressed in blue said giving Xavier a funny look.

“Yes! Of course I will! You’re right, I have a thing for Romance/Pleasure sims with red hair and tortured pasts.”

“Oh gods am I glad I randomized as gay.”

Red rings aside, I think both Christy and Xavier will be very happy together. If not, meh. It’s an apocalypse not the world of happy puppy clowns.

Proposal and LTW all taken care of, now I can devote all of Xavier’s time to finishing up the skills he needs for his career as well as a few side projects.

Like making over a few sims.

And working on getting a gold badge in flower arranging.

Because I have plans for this baby, oh yes, plans.

So Xavier graduated with a 4.0 with a degree in Art.

He grew up into very tolerable everyday clothes.

In his inventory he has a vial of elixir, the snapdragon, and his diploma.

He also has 7 cooking, 10 mechanical, 10 charisma, 10 body, 10 creativity, 5 logic, and 6 cleaning.

In addition, he made 28 friends while in college. Most of them are lovers and I think all but 3 are best friends.

We’ll be seeing more of these friends he’s made. I don’t ever plan on coming back to Uni, so we’re going to be doing the move in spouses with degrees thing.

And here is our lovely apoc legal hut. The roof is covered but not accessible for those date gifts that are yet to come.

The third floor is empty at the moment in order to accommodate whatever.

The second floor with the all important good bed and space for the second bathroom.

And the main floor.

Now here we have a few loophole things. First off, the couch is a sectional, so that each thing is technically only one tile. So I can move it if necessary.

Second, The front door is a sliding door to prevent back ups that way. The grill is under the roof of the floor above. And the reason I picked the stairs I did is so I can stash things under them.

Like a bookcase and recliner.

All in all, there are very few items at the moment that are worth more than $100 and with the approximately $60,000 left in the bank after modifying the Witch’s hut, I should be set. I didn’t bother buying a computer or mirror yet since Xavier has them maxed and I don’t want to have temptation present in the form of the computer if I don’t have to.

Finally we have the Apocovan! Useful for trucking carloads of kiddies to school in snowdays so that they can eat and without having to take multiple trips.

So that’s it. The challenge has started. Let’s see if I can make this work.

Thanks and sporks go out to Rosefyre and Smoothiequeen87 for going “Do eet!” at me. And also thanks go out to Otakon for frying my brain so much that I can’t even write 10 slides for my regular challenge without going, “Durrrrr…”

Oh and if you want to know the ruleset I will be following, here is the link:

If it isn’t on here, then I am not using it. So all of these random add on rules that came in random podcasts can go hang. :-P

Until next time.

Lady Lark.
