Balinese dream home tour


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This is my Bali-inspired dream vacation home.It mostly has a wood exterior with stone accents; it has a thatched roof and a reflector-pool as you can see here.Take the foot-bridge across to the house(or turn the page) to continue.

Moving in closer, you can see the right-hand side of the front porch area(as you stand on the lawn).

Crossing to the other side, this is on the left. There's a tea-drinking table on the porch and a shrine in the yard.From here you can almost spy into the kitchen, through that room we'll pass later, which houses the dishwasher and trash-compactor.

Let's go through the front door, shall we? Looking left there's a desk with a lamp and stairs we'll follow later. . .

Looking right there's a book case and a little artwork. There is also a sunken den/living area, which we'll have to actually go down into to see as this house is unoccupied. Just take the stairs down. . .

There, isn't that cozy?Now you can see what's down in the sunken living room.

Through some of the living room windows you can see into the kitchen. The kitchen, as you may have surmised earlier, is to the left of the living room. The left-hand doorway leads to the same room we saw from the porch, so let's go through the door on the right. . .

Here is the outdoor dining area.It's breezy, candle-lit and has beach access.Here you can also see that mix of wood and stone again.

Down the outdoor-dining stairs isthe best view ever!

*sigh, Let's leave the beach, go back through the kitchen, and find out what's up the stairs, shall we?

Guests first. . .

At the top of the stairs you can either turn left into the office. . .

Or turn right to go down the hallway to the bedroom. Well nuts- we're already facing down the hallway so let's go right.As you walk down the hall, from the windows to the left you can look down into the kitchen.

Coming into the bedroom and turning left, there's that fabulous, almost 360-degree view of the beach, plus the bed, a dresser, a chair, and a

gold frog. Everyone say hello to Mr. Frog.

Looking right there's the bathroom-area behind the privacy screen, as well as another lovely tapestry, and a better shot of that light.

How can you not relax in here?

How about we see what's at the other end of the hallway?You can peek down into the kitchen again on the way, this time from the bedroom and on the right.You can also peek down into the entry on your left.

Going in and. . yes! Finally! The office!It's as simply appointed as the rest of the house, and the small size

encourages me to spend more time outside.

But what's this? Where does this sliding glass door lead to? Let's step outside again. .

Originally the spot for the tea-table, I thought it'd be weird to run on the treadmill on one's front porch. This balcony thus becomes a pretty nice place to work out. That's the tour! Now return to Boolprop and tell me how it came out! :-)
