Assignment week 2


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Hello to you all . My name is Stavros Stavrou , I am 38 year old professional musician and I come from Cyprus , a small island in

the Mediterranean Sea . This is my presentation for week 2 assignment .

Week 2 Assignment

Prepare a project in your DAW using the project checklist from the

material as your guidelines

Record a new Project.

Creating New Project Folder and Preparing all necessary tracks within

the DAW , ready for recording.


First thing when creating a new project, set the bit rate and sample rate to 24bit at


The DAW will now ask you where would you like to create the Project Folder . You can select anywhere you like. Remember

that, in this folder all the audio parts , edits ,cross fades e.t.c will be stored.

The next step is to create all the necessary audio tracks that we need for the project. We can always add as many tracks as we like during the procedure of

the recording. It is better to add mono track unless your going to record stereo pads or piano.

Here as you can see I’ve created 8 mono audio tracks.

The next step is to give the tracks names that will make your life easier when recording editing or even mixing. Here I have two channels for , two channels for Bass one for Lead Vocal , one for back vocals , one for a flute and

one for acoustic guitar.

Also a nice way to keep your tracks “tidy” is to color them with the same color. Here I colored all the guitars blue, The Basses red the Vocals Yellow (I know I should have

colored Lead Vocal a different color from back vocal) and flute as Green

An important step in the recording procedure is timing. So it’s a good idea at this point to set up the metronome or click .

We are nearly there!! Now we have to adjust the input levels for each player. First we lower the volume all the way down , plug the instruments and then

little by little we bring the levels to the point where there is no clipping.

Final step ; Record enable the track you want to record and also make sure you have Monitor On so that the performer has sound in his or her


Hoped you liked my presentation and I am looking forward on your peers and

for the next assignment.

Thank you for your patience. Stavros Stavrou
