Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 39


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The legacy may be over but the story is not. This is a special two part finale in which we finally see how much of the legacy genes stay intact. Generation White is generation

eleven, where we see that all the colours become one.

Sharon: You didn’t tell me you lived in a mansion, or that the town you came from is filled with supernaturals. I had no idea places like this existed outside the college.

Morganite: Well I do, and yes it does, and there are places where supernaturals don’t live

as abundantly as we do here in Moonlight Falls.

Morganite: But you are the only Plantsim here, that makes you one of a kind.

Sharon: A rare flower?

Morganite: Yes and I can’t wait to move in with you and start our lives.

Sharon: So let’s make it a good one. Are you sure your parents don’t mind buying us a house?

Morganite: What else would you do with seven million dollars but spend it on stuff?

Rhodonite: Well sis? Want to get going too? We have our own house now as well.

Kunzite: It’s going to be so weird being separated from Sakura, we’ve spent our whole lives together.

Sakura: It will be a new adventure, I say go for it sis!

Clark: A new adventure huh? Sounds exciting, why don’t we have one of our own?

Sakura: Oh? Like what?

Clark: The adventure of marriage for a start.

Sakura: And what about your adventure as a spy with international intrigue and all that?

Clark: Mmm, yes there’s that too but having a place to come home to afterwards

makes it that much more exciting.

Sakura: Good answer.

Sakura: No time like the present right?

Apollo: I would think not, go for it dear.

Sakura: Thanks grandpa! I will!

Apollo: So, my new grandson-in-law, there is one more thing you can do to make sure that you have the best adventure possible out there.

Clark: Like what?

Apollo: Something that will make the spy game go so much easier…

Apollo: This! *smashes bottle*

Clark: Wha-what did you do to me?

Apollo: I gave you an ability; something that has been lacking in this family for a long time.

Clark: You gave me wings? Like Morgan?

Apollo: Yes. And with it all the fairy abilities, including the shrinking to the size of a dragonfly. That will certainly help you as a spy.

Clark: I-I don’t know what to say…thank you grandpa.

Rhodonite: Wow, you must have had a nice honeymoon…

Sakura: Well, yes. Grandpa made Clark into a fairy and I am still an heiress.

Kunzite: That is so adorable! I’m going to be an auntie!

Waylon: So umm, is this a house party or a baby shower?

Kunzite: You must be starving, like me. Hurry up Rhode! Pregnant lady needs food!

Rhodonite: I’m working on it, and no vampires in the fridge, we don’t stock

plasma juice.

Morganite: So Clark is a fairy now too? Awesome, I’m not the only one.

Sakura: Grandpa is the only one with the Alchemy skills to make it possible. And he thinks it will help Clark do his job better.

Morganite: No doubt about that; being a fairy is awesome, you can get into all sorts of places

that a human can’t. It drives Sharon nuts when I do it.

Sakura: I hope this wasn’t a fish friend of ours…

Rhodonite: It’s tofu with salmon flavouring, not an actual fish. That would be wrong, as a mermaid I can’t eat another fish.

Sakura: Neither can I; but some of these pregnancy cravings…man it’s hard to resist.

Sakura: Daddy! Grandma! Where’s Clark?!

Howlite: He’s on his way home from work little flower; he’s coming.

Hydrangea: Well don’t just stand there, get him here faster! That’s my great-grandbaby on the way.

Sakura: Tell him to meet me there, I can’t wait any longer.

Hydrangea: Are you sure darling? I can panic just as well here.

Howlite: Why is this never easier?

Sakura: Where is he?

Nurse: He’s coming, just relax. We’ll get you through this Ms. Arcenciel.

Sakura: I need him here, what is with that light? It’s so bright…

Nurse: Doctor! What is wrong with the lights?

Doctor: Get her husband here now! I think there’s two of them in there…

Sakura: Twins? I’m having twins? Oh Clark, where are you?!


Doctor: Push Sakura!! Push!!

Sakura: *screams* I AM PUSHING!!

Sakura: Mommy’s got you now little one…whatever was going on with the lights seems to have stopped now, maybe it was a power surge. I’m glad you and your

brother made it here safely…let’s go home.

Kaelee: I’m glad you and my grandbabies are safe now. That strange light show lit up the whole town…I was worried something blew up at the power station.

Sakura: Well the twins made it; Ice and Snow arrived safely. Little Ice even has his daddy’s

wings and I think Snow is a mermaid like me.

Kaelee: Strange names; where did you come up with them?

Sakura: I don’t know, I kept hearing them in my head while they were being born…weird.
