Another Bright Idea Nov 17


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How many decorators does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Sorry, I don’t have a good punch line. But I do have a quick fix for a ho-hum bathroom light fixture. Even the plainest, contractors basic fixture can be jazzed up by replacing the soft-whites with decorative halogen bulbs. The crystal cut glass looks dressier, even when the light is off. Turned on, it throws a sparkly pattern, like light glancing off moving water. Halogens are much brighter, and the “full spectrum” type also emits a more natural looking light that enhances colors. They’re more expensive, but worth it...especially since the yellowish light from standard incandescent bulbs isn’t very flattering. The GE Reveal Halogen 60 watt bulb we used is very bright in a group of eight. A dimmer lets you increase the coziness factor, while keeping the true colors.

Resource & Reference: Planning a move? You need boxes! Rather than scrounge them from the grocery store, log on to Use the calculator to figure how many you need, and they’ll send you an assortment of sizes, plus tape, bubble wrap and markers.

SarrelsCreativeServices November 17, 2007

Bright Idea of the Week
