Anntomy & Physiology of Zombies



A&P of Zombies, from eyes and throats to walk and pose.

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  • 1.A presentation on the study of: Zombie Anatomy & Necro-Mortosis Written and Presented by: Casey Miller DTE1211

2. Type A blood borne pathogenusually transmitted by open wounds or bites. The virus consists of 7 types ofproteins that are key for the virus to spread. All major organs of the body failsbut the brain remains active, running off of primitive needs. Common symptoms include: Cold / Flu type symptoms Coma / Sleepiness Death to Reanimation 3. This blood borne pathogen effects Humans Mass majority of Animals(usually larger / sturdier) {Usually Dogs to Deer & Bear }As far as researchers know the virus is not transmittable through the air. Also there is NO known cure for the Necro-Mortosis disease other than immediate amputation to the infected area or termination of the patient. 4. As many people had come to believe, ZOMBIES will only target BRAINS. This is FALSE, as majority of the body & brain of the infected subject has died and began to decay some key locations stay alive through the process of reanimation. The Parietal Lobe (1.) Key location for sensory nerve endings for: Sight, Hearing & Smell Zombies have the ability to fixate on its pray tightly, BUT if you can distract it well enough it may loose track of you entirely. The Cerebellum (2.) Zombies are like drunks, except these drunks can bite and / or kill you, either turning you into their lunch or turn you into a member of the living dead. The Hypothalamus (3.) Key location of the hunger drive, or the location of the most primitive need: TO EAT The need to eat is not limited to the brain, a zombie is usually after generally any raw meat that is still living, human or animal. Key location to destroy a zombie brain is usually behind the neck at the spinal column, but a direct blow to between the eyes will send a shot straight to the hypothalamus, thus rendering a zombie brain dead which is a key location right above the brain stem http://www.The Everything Guide to Zombies - Two Neuroscientists Explain the Zombie Brain at Work -- New York Magazine.html 5. Rigor Mortis is a condition of the bodily muscles tightening up in a locking position, usually very painful if the condition would effect a living person. starts about 3 to 4 hours after death and accumulatesover 12 hours to peak effectiveness. dissipates over a period of 60 to 72 hours.Rigor Mortis effects: All joint locations in the body, greatlyeffecting mobility of a fresh zombie.~ During this time period it would be recommended for a well protected person equipped with the knowledge and tools of how to dispose of a zombie would be advised to take action. { Rigor = Stiffness / Mortis = Death} ( Reference: ) 6. Decay of the flesh Usually torn off thebody, exposing muscles and bone. Any missing body limbs, usually as in torn off, not in a form of amputation means. Sickly skin colors Look for dead skin coloration, or dark veins, usually any indication of dead skin cells or dark almost black blood Maggots & Flesh Flies Depending on the decay of thebody, a sickly sweet smell or the presence of maggots or flesh flies is usually a dead give away of the re-animated. Abnormal Eyes Large area of broken blood vessels Cataracts type glazing over the pupil 7. Voices Due to mass majority of the body andbrain being dead the vocal cords do not function anymore so a zombie can only give off deathly gargled groans. Clothing Sometimes torn and bloody, if it lookedlike it died in it, it probably did. Movement Staggering and suffering from rigormortis are usually a common sight Crippled or gravely injuredReminder: Always use your brain wisely, think things clearly and with extreme caution, use it before they get to it. You may not have a second chance at survival. 8. Bites usually closer to the heart or a major artery are more likely to effect infection time. If a bite is on a arm or leg, amputation and cauterizing of the infected area is best recommended for a quick fix but not always the RIGHT answer. 9. http://www.The Everything Guide to Zombies - Two NeuroscientistsExplain the Zombie Brain at Work -- New York Magazine.html thority/wha_necro_mortosis.html The How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Guide (Complete Protection from the Living Dead) written by: Max Brooks