A2 pre production media coursework




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A2 Media Coursework

Pre – Production

3 CD Music Analysis

The sky is plain as completely white so its draws the attention to the bottom of the picture and the plane.

The plane looks like it is about it hit all the people below as they could be the invaders.

The writing is messy but the artist name stands out as it is in bold but the sub title shows rebellious signs.

Aimed at teen or younger as the writing of the artist and its name.

The colours go together with the artist’s title of the album.

The title of the album suggests that the songs are likely to be emotional.

The CD cover is simple and eye catching but it does not appeal to me because I am not a fan of the artist.

The image of her face is all that is needed to sell the CD because she is famous as the winner of the ‘X Factor’ which is a popular TV talent contest watched by millions.

The image of the face is centred and if you drew a line vertically it would be symmetrical.

People who watched the programme would be attracted to the CD because they will recognise Leona Lewis as she is also a icon to younger girls.

The colour designer has used black, brown, pink and white. The image they have used is close up photograph of Leona Lewis.

Akon looks relaxed because he has his hand in his pocket, however, he looks slightly out of place because he is wearing a suit which doesn’t look right on a beach

Akon is presented as a ‘cool’ character that looks quite important. His ear ring will appeal to young people.

It also makes us think of holidays and this idea is reinforced because Akon is wearing sunglasses which have the sun reflected on them.

The title of the album clearly tells you what the songs will be like and the name of the artist is clearly written on the album. The artist’s name is written horizontally and stands out because of the white capital letters against the background. 

The background image of the sea and the sky helps to create an illusion of freedom. You can associate the sea and the sky with freedom.

The colour designer has used blue, black and white. The images used are a picture of Akon, the sky and the sea


Foo Fighters – The Pretender This video sends off a strong political vibe to the viewers. This is established by through many technical aspects because it shows the Foo Fighters performing the song in an ice hockey ring. Setting/foreshadow/events. The ice rink is the only location that is shown is this music video. It is a very simple set, featuring the band on one end of it, with a very large solid red screen (Connotations) above and behind them throughout the video. Also opposite the band on the other side of the band is a riot police officer standing behind a black line this may be representing him can’t go over the line as this is as far as he can bend the rules. – Creativity .vs. Authority – Individuals

Foo Fighters – The Pretender Due to the set’s simplicity and general emptiness, we are made to wonder what the massive red screen is doing there, and if it has a purpose. As the video progresses, other similar officers who again stand in line along the black line on the floor facing the band - Individuals looking intimidating, join the single police officer. The video seems to build up to a bridge just before their last chorus, where there is a very quiet and light music part, and the officers then start running and charge at the band in slow motion creating tension, and just as they get closer, the massive screen behind the band suddenly erupts a red water-like liquid jets shoot past and through the band and appears to overwhelm and throw the officers off guard. The video is composed is made in different camera types such as zooms, tracking shots, and close ups of the front best known man in the bad because he used to play in Nirvana

Jay Z – 99 ProblemsAll of Jay Z albums in which 3 of them are called 99 Problems and his music video was released in 2004. Although Jay-Z is known today as a famous rapper and a producer of Roc-A-Fella record label, he did not start off with the best background, he came from the ‘ghetto’ which he used to live rough and was hard to live up there and then became one of the most well known rappers in the world. His music video portrays the ghetto of Brooklyn, New York in the 1990s and shows the struggles that Jay-Z had to go through during his career in order to reach the top of the music industry.  

He is represented from the shots by himself being the main man of the video. Showing he has had problems as he is trying to sort them out and make him a better person. The shots he used were on him and other people but him being the main man. His wardrobe was full of what he use to wear when he was on the streets with Notorious BIG starting up his career and from now to when he is living the high life.

Jay Z – 99 ProblemsThe primary audience for this music video is African American males as it is established because Jay Z was brought up in Brooklyn which is populated by African Americans, this is where he got the ideas from for his songs. The music video shows Jay-Z getting pulled over by a Caucasian policeman for something coming out from a discriminating heart, this is because he got caught speeding at 55 mph in a 54 mph zone. Its stupid because the police wouldn’t of pulled over a Caucasian person over for speeding one mile over the speed limit. It is just because he is from the black community and he is driving around the streets they think he may try and cause trouble. This can also relate to when he was younger living up in the ‘ghetto’ and also how the white and black people didn’t relate much as the whites always caught the blacks. He raps about what has happened and shows that this incident is just one of the many incidents he has had, also his race deal with in his life. Next thing on the news was about how he was accused of stabbing Lance Rivera who was the record executive. This made Jay Z go to court for trial, and the court ruled that Jay Z can bail out for half a million dollars, this left a big impact on his music carer but he got back up on his feet and came out with a top single featuring Alicia keys – empire state of mind which was a major single in and on the number 1 top spot for weeks. The shots used in this video creates tension to the viewers

Kings of Leon – Use Somebody

The genre has a strong, hard beat familiar to rock some may include this as indie. At the start there is a spring of music in which you can see many features in the video. The camera shots could be directed differently and also some of the video footage is of the band on tour, as them playing live which shows they play their own music and are different. There are many camera shots of the cities and this is showing that they are on tour and travelling around. Some of the shots were sped up and they used many different types of shots like long shots and bird eye view shots Reasons of effects. There is a shot of an aeroplane at the start of the video which is showing that they are on tour. Most of the shots are short because it is going to and fro to the lead singer. Also the camera shots of the band on tour aren’t long because this can make the audience get to know the band and to become familiar with them so they also do shots of each band member.

Kings of Leon – Use Somebody

When the chorus comes on the video goes black and white which can show that their was trouble in the past. The video is showing them in the behind the scenes of the performance like before they go on stage and what they do and mostly having a good laugh but this is just showing the audience that they all have good personalities. Near the end of the video it is all kept black and white because this is footage from concert and showing their past being thought of. There is a shot of the singer in which caught my eye because the singer is kissing the women in which can represent that they need someone or they need to use somebody to love. As the song is ending the shots become even shorter in which can show there is no love for the women. The singer has a close up of him as he lip sinks him singing the verse ‘someone like you’ this can show that he needs love so they portray it with long shots. The lead singer is not singing the actually words he is just lip sinking so this is showing him acting towards the camera and his audience. This is a good video because their is many angles used and some of their footage is from their tour which is good.


The first 2 scenes (first verse) will be done on the Wednesday. These are the scenes with the members of the band are getting changed.

Treatment Wardrobe:

•3 Plain Jumpers 2 Navy Blue and 1 Grey•3 Pairs of shoes, Dark brown, brown and black. •3 Paris of smart Black Shoes •3 Plain White shirts •3 Suit trousers – all different •3 Pairs of jeans, 2 dark and 1 light pair.


• Sofa • Piano • Table • Mirror• Handheld Speakers• 2 Chairs

Music Video Treatment Essay Blue-fly by IITrack length:3:45

The main ideas behind our music video is for it to incorporate the concepts of a typical boy band video. This consists of dance moves, the band in the shot together but also on their own so they can be seen as individuals as well as in a group. This allows the audience to engage with them in different ways. I will have a lot of shots with one of the characters in front and the rest of the group behind. This is a way that we show there is no one main person in the group unlike Take That and Gary Barlow.

Narrative:The establishing shot of this will be of the night after. There will be a series of shots of all four members getting up and other results of the night before. It will then go back to one of the members of the group getting ready for a night out, putting on finishing touches to the outfit and styling hair. Then another shot of a “wild night” will appear on the screen (still in time with the beat) and then back to another band member getting up. This will go on for the other two members of the band and then a montage of shots of the band and other shots until the first verse starts.Then the first verse will come and one member of the group will be alone and lip sync the lyrics.It will then go to the chorus where the group is seen for the first time in the video all together in a long shot walking forwards and then sitting down together on the sofa. Then, in the second part of the chorus they are in a different location and they are again altogether. This time they are crouching on the floor with people behind them dancing then they proceed to stand up on the line “hands high when we flyby”.The second chorus consists of each member of the group in turn standing in front and the three remaining group members behind him dancing. This will happen in turn for each of the group members, in different locations conveying their individuality and the at the chorus again show them together in the back of a 4x4 truck. On the last verse, the group are then seen together the verse in different shots dancing. They will also be in partners together dancing in several different angles. The next chorus and end of the

song will then be them all together having a good time joking.


Band Name: Blue

Song Name: Fly By

Track Length: 3.58


Call Time: Tuesday, 3:00pm

Crew & Cast Actor 1 – Charlie MoffattActor 2 – Harry Coaker Actor 3 – Jordan Jacobs

Actor 4 – Mike S Director – Rory O’Connor Producer – Charlie Moffatt

Props Cars, Wardrobe, Bedrooms

Wardrobe Jeans, Black /Grey Top

Front Cover 3


Bluefly by II


Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P



All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P






Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by IIAll RiseLove


Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P




Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P



Blue Blue Blue14



Front Cover 4


Blue Blue Blue


Bluefly by II

We agreed on this arrangement for the front cover by getting the feedback from the target audience (17 out of 20 people picked this) and then moved on from there with the final result below.


Bluefly by II


Where the CD goes the name of the band “Blue” will go diagonal from top left to bottom right(as pictured below).


THE OTHER INSIDE COVERThis was always going to be a simple pattern that also conveys the name of the band with blue curves starting from the top left. This also concentrates the consumer on the name of the band on the other side as this is on a black base and so will be more eye catching.

Time + Date Place

15/11/2010 - 15:00pm Shiplake College

15/11/2010 - 17:15pm Shiplake College

16/11/10 – 9:00am Shiplake College

Shooting Schedule

Company name: BDP Records ltd

Production title: Flyby II Production dates:

Producer name: Charlie Moffatt & Rory O’Conner Director name: Charlie Moffatt & Rory O’Conner

Date of Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment conducted by:

Hazard Persons who may be harmed

Property which may be damaged

Risk control already in place


Further action required to control risk

Slippery surfaces Actors and crew Actors and crew Where grippy shoes and no running

MODERATE Stand in dry area when not in shot

Weather (rain and lightening)

Actors and crew Camera, other electrical equipment, actors and crew

Don’t film in wet MODERATE Keep camera dry and also if lightening stay inside

car Actors and crew Car, buildings, actors and crew

Airbags, brakes licensed drivers only

LOW Always keep handbrake on when not using car and engine off.

Risk Assessment


1. This is showing a picture of Duncan’s room I used to show how it would start.2. I needed to fill the spaces with significant products.3. This is showing Lee’s room, as the second person in the clip. 4. This is showing the light as it represents they are waking up after a night out.5. This is showing the last member of the groups, Simons room. 6. We combined this and 8 as it sounded like they were playing the piano.7. This scene is Duncan and Lee on the stairs as they just sung and danced.

9. Duncan singing in a different place all the time. 10. Here he is again singing his verse.11. Shot moving around as goes with lyrics.12. Simon singing13. The group on the sofa with a dance move14. Close up on a member of the group15. Dance move on sofa, something different.16. Member of group looking in mirror getting ready.

17. All group singing in different area.18. A different member of the group singing in mirror.19. All member singing again in different area, different shot.20. One member singing on their own.21. Last band member singing in the mirror.22. All group singing at different location.23. Member singing in front of camera, middle shot.24. Close up of member singing.

25. Close up of member of group. 26. Long shot of member of group.27. Middle shot of other member of group28. Close up again of member as ranging from both.29. All member back singing together chorus.30. Dance moves combined to singing31. Different shot and angle of group singing32. One member of group acting like walking into a bar.

33. Member of group walking down stairs from a club.34. Close up of one member.35. All hugging as end of night and finish the night off.

Evidence of Audience Research

Gender?Male []Female []

Do you prefer a music video which is… Funny []Serious []Both of Above []  Do you prefer abstract videos or ones that go with the lyrics?Abstract []Goes with lyrics [] Do you prefer music videos that include special effects/animations etc, Why?

Yes [] No  []

  Do you prefer… Calm/slow music videos []

Lively/fast music videos []

Do you like to see dance routines?

Yes []No []  

What’s your favourite genre of music video?

Audience Research Answers

GenderMale - 84% Female -16%

Do you prefer a music video which is… Funny – 47 % said they prefer a funny music video.Serious – 26% said they much prefer a serious music video. Both of Above – 27% said they prefer a mix of both serious and funny music videos.   Do you prefer abstract videos or ones that go with the lyrics.Abstract – 38 % of people said they preferred abstract.Goes with lyrics – 62% of people said they preferred music that goes with lyrics.  Do you prefer music videos that include special effects/animations etc, Why?

Yes – 69% said they did enjoy music videos with special effects and animations because it makes it more entertaining for the viewers and better to remember who the artist was. No  - 31% said of people said they didn’t because they prefer it to be life like and realistic.   Do you prefer… Calm/slow music videos – 44% of people said yes because it can make you think about life and can make you think about life and the way you live.

Lively/fast music videos - 56% of people said they prefer lively and fast music because this can get them in a good mood.

Do you like to see dance routines.

Yes – 39% of people prefer seeing dance routines but only is street video’s or along those lines. No – 61% of people said they wouldn’t prefer dance routines because they prefer another video that makes it lively.  

What’s your favourite genre of music video – 12% said Dubstep / 40% said R’n’B Rap / 23% said Grime / 13% said Indie / 22% said Rock.

Male and Female Which music video do you prefer?

Do you prefer abstract videos or ones that go with the lyrics?

Do you prefer music videos that include special effects/animations etc. Calm / slow music or Fast /

lively Dance routinesGenre of music




Funny SeriousBoth of Above



Male Female



Abstract With Lyrics



Yes No



Calm Fast



Yes No





Dubstep RnBGrime Indie Rock


Skipwith Basement College House

Great Hall OVR

These CD cover is showing how it is the JLS 4 faces which shows a significance look.

They are very well known in the world as they are important to teen viewers as a lot of viewers like their songs.

These 2 covers show their faces in different angles just like the JLS covers. Westlife are a older group as they relate to the older generation with their songs are not pop they are chilled in which the older generation would prefer compared to JLS for the younger generation.

This album cover is different because they are just starting up and more and more people are beginning to like their music as it suits the younger generation and some songs can relate to the older generation. The cover is of them sitting in the back of a car, looking like they are just about to go out or go to a gig.

CD Cover Drafts

CD Cover / Magazine Advert Drafts

This magazine cover is simple and easy which is portraying the artist and song.

This magazine is showing its genre of music in the picture as it looks dialect and broken.

This is showing a A2 media piece of work in which they have used the main character to show what its about and who it is of.