7 Reasons You Should Start a Recording Studio



Thinking of starting a recording studio? Here are 7 big reasons you should get into the recording studio business today.

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Starting a Recording Studio Business

A recording studio can be a lucrative, enjoyable home-based business. Here are 7 reasons why they are so popular these days...

High Demand

● Professional recording and mixing engineers are always in demand

● Lots of artists who need to record high quality tracks and can't do it themselves

High ROI

● Recording studios offer a high return on investment compared to other home-based businesses

● If you start small (even at home) it is almost risk-free

● A good small studio attracts customers● Increase your rates as your reputation


No Need to Rent

● Unlike other businesses, you don't necessarily need to rent a space

● You just need a room large enough to set up instruments

● Many home studios are set up in attics and basements

Easily Available Equipment

● You can find new/used recording gear everywhere

● Needs:○ computer○ mics○ preamps○ recording interface

● Buy 2nd hand gear from Craigslist


● It's easy to learn recording techniques● Learn from friends who might have more

experience● Hands on experience is best● Consider recording bands for free at first to

gain experience

Monetizing Your Passion

● Is music your passion? Then running a recording studio will be exciting for you!

● The more you love what you do, the more successful you will become


● Because recording studios are often profitable businesses, you can usually find financing if neccessary

● Most small studios won't need any loans though

● Work with what you have and reinvest your profits into new equipment