


Uploading my sims 3 soap opera for everyone to enjoy

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Deasil Street10.3

Sonja was not given the welcome she’s expected when she was dropped off at her new home. Apparently, her two new mums hadn’t been expecting her. They thought she was coming for an initial meeting, not to stay.

While the blonde one was on the phone to her agency she sat and glowered on the sofa.

When the mum with brown hair got home from work, she had taken charge and pulled the blonde off the phone and down to the park. She had been determined to stay grumpy, but she couldn’t help herself.

Sonja liked the mum with brown hair more, she looked a bit like her too. Maybe that was why she had been sent here.

Their names were Bernice and Gracie, but she wasn’t sure what to call them. At the moment she was avoiding calling them anything, content just playing. The park in Appaloosa was cool.

Back at the house, Sonja met Ambrose and Julian. Because she was unexpectedly early she had to share a room with him, but that was ok. It was a bit of a relief to have another kid around after leaving an orphanage full of them, she might not be too lonely now. Plus she won the rock, paper, scissors for the top bunk. That was cool too.

Bernice and Gracie crept in to check in on her later that night. Julian was sleeping in his mums room for that first night in case Sonja had nightmares or something… but she seemed fine.

Gracie was happier. The misunderstanding meant they hadn’t met Sonja before she arrived, but she seemed a cute kid. Bernice hoped it would work out, but was still a bit worried. At least they had a month to see if they all suited each other before signing the adoption papers. Sonja had to agree to sign too, they were as much on trial as she was.

Megan wasn’t sure what had gotten into Allain. Since their little argument the other night he had been overly attentive and romantic. It had culminated in this night, when he had invited her to ‘stay the night’. She agreed readily, hoping he was suggesting what she thought he was.

He was. After fancying him since she was a child, Allain was finally asking her to sleep with him. She had been starting to wonder if he’d ever ask. Normally confident, she hadn’t known how to broach this subject. Had she known his reasoning, she might have been less impressed. He loved her of course, and felt she was ready… but he also wanted to get her attention back from his brother.

The next morning, Megan didn’t feel any different. She thought maybe she’d feel more adult, or more in tune with Allain as a couple. If anything, she saw him more clearly now. Had she been idealising him and her first time before, with the reality now far less exciting?

She came downstairs without dressing because Allain had told her they had the house to themselves, but there was Edward in the middle of the kitchen. Blushing a little, she retreated back upstairs to put some clothes on.

Seeing Megan like that was unnerving for Edward. He wished he didn’t have the image in his head, as he feared it would be hard to forget. She impressed him further by rallying and making conversation as if she wasn’t embarrassed in the least over breakfast. Even though she had to know he suspected what she’d been up to overnight.

This was starting to get problematic. She might be intelligent and beautiful, but she was also a teen. And his little brothers girlfriend.

And even if she didn’t realise how high in his esteem she was, Allain had figured it out. And he didn’t like it.
