TIAD 2016 - Beyond windowsautomation


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# TIAD@ tiadparis

Beyond Windows Automation

4 octobre 2016 #TIAD @tiadparis

# TIAD@ tiadparis

Julien Stanojevic


#automation addict#simple solutions to complex problems#cloud refuged#windows opensource#passionate about application delivery


# TIAD@ tiadparis


• Why this session ?• Is it complicated ?• How does it all work ?• Demos


# TIAD@ tiadparis

Because it’s possible

# TIAD@ tiadparis

We are not building a space ship !

# TIAD@ tiadparis

# TIAD@ tiadparis

Methodology in 7 - 3

Automate OS Build Deploy ContextProvisionAnywhere

Run Everywhere

# TIAD@ tiadparis

Building Golden Images …..

# TIAD@ tiadparis

Packer configuration file

# TIAD@ tiadparis

• Binary repository ( AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, standard windows shares for on premises deployments)

• Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows (like apt-get or yum but for Windows)• Boxstarter leverages Chocolatey packages to automate the installation of software create repeatable, Windows environments.• Private nugget feed for chocolatey packages (myget, artifactory, teamcity etc)

# TIAD@ tiadparis

• With Terraform, you describe your complete infrastructure as code, even as it spans multiple service providers• Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and

efficiently.• Terraform supports and can manage physical servers, virtual machines and containers on a wide range of clouds

# TIAD@ tiadparis




virtual private cloud



Availability Zone Availability Zone

VPC subnet VPC subnet

security groupinstances instances


instance contents

# TIAD@ tiadparis

Work better. Live better.Work better. Live better.Questions