Testing AngularJS Applications at payworks


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Testing AngularJS Applications February 2015 - Pedro Catré Technical University of Munich

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Use HTML as your template language, extend HTML syntax to express your application’s components clearly


Data binding Dependency injection

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Two points you should take away with you at the end of this presentation

Main Points

Tests will save you You have great testing tools

Adapted from http://xkcd.com/285/.

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payworks powers integrated Point of Sale solutions

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The Gateway Manager is the central place for clients to configure our platform

payworks Platform

payworks SDK

Quick integration of payment functionality

Gateway Manager

Intuitive merchant & terminal management


Global Connectivity

Processing with preferred Acquirer


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Within the Gateway Manager you can manage merchants, card readers, transactions, webhooks and API credentials

The Gateway Manager

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Testing requires different components to work together

Task automation tool Unit testing E2E testing Continuous integration server


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Testing requires different components to work together

Task automation tool Unit testing E2E testing Continuous integration server


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Automate everything! You will have to do it again

> grunt serve > grunt build > grunt test

Testing Tools

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Testing requires different components to work together

Task automation tool Unit testing E2E testing Continuous integration server


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Karma loads your source code, executes your tests and much more


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Jasmine provides an elegant way of writing tests





Setup and Teardown




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ngMock gives you mocking for your AngularJS tests

Support to inject and mock services

angular.mock.module() angular.mock.inject()

Extends core services $httpBackend $timeout


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Let’s unit-test a component of the Gateway Manager

Unit Test Examples

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Let’s unit-test a component of the Gateway Manager

Unit-Test Examples

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How code coverage looks

Unit-Test Code Coverage

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How code coverage looks

Unit-Test Code Coverage

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How code coverage looks

Unit-Test Code Coverage

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How code coverage looks

Unit-Test Code Coverage

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How code coverage looks

Unit-Test Code Coverage

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Testing requires different components to work together

Task automation tool Unit testing E2E testing Continuous integration server


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Protractor runs tests against your application in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would

Test like a user

For AngularJS Apps

Automatic waiting


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Protractor runs your tests in different browsers, it supports test sharding and can take screenshots after each executed test

Protractor Configuration File

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Let’s e2e-test a component of the Gateway Manager

E2E-Test Examples

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Testing requires different components to work together

Task automation tool Unit testing E2E testing Continuous integration server


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Bamboo connects issues, commits, test results and deploys so the whole picture is available to your entire product team



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