Test automation in the age of the platform v2.0



My Keynote address in "Non Conventional Test Automation Conference" held at Bangalore on 19th-20th-Nov. Conference details: http://www.isqtinternational.com/stepautocom/non-conv-auto/tracks.html

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Test Automation is no Silver bullet

Test Automation Evolution In The Age Of Platforms

Anuj Magazine

Theme: Non Conventional Software Test Automation

What makes Google, Apple, Amazon and

Facebook such successful companies

of today’s era ?

Google AdWords and AdSense are just

enablers of larger ecosystem

Successfully built customers,

developers and business ecosystem

A multi-dimensional platform

Innovation not bound within Apple,

Apps enhance product value

Connection: how easily others can plug into the platform to share and transact

Gravity: how well the platform attracts participants, both producers and consumers

Flow: how well the platform fosters the exchange and co-creation of value

Leap from Products to Platform

- Think of product in form of interfaces- APIs and SDKs form the basis of Innovation- Ability to scale infinitely- Promotes developer ecosystem- Product with Infinite features- Extendibility- Ability to Plug-n-Play- Co-creation of value- Drift from monolithic architectures

Platform characteristics

Book recommendation alert

Transformers- The Metaphor for a Platform

How Platforms are Engineered ?

What does evolution of

Platform style development mean for Test Automation ?

Think of Application under

test as having a series of interfaces

UI is just one form of an interface that is probably the least stable

Remember Internal schemas of APIs can change too

Test the APIs with other exposed APIs

Think Global while Automating

Start with Why ?

Book recommendation alert

1. start early in the development cycle

2. take the internal structure of the system into account

3. have a feedback loop to developers to influence the system-design.

Testing Platforms require sapience and could be hard to automate

Thank youTwitter @anujmagazine

