Ship It!



Salesforce, Google, Facebook, NimbleUser -- To be sure all of our customers are using all of our best work, software as a service peeps rollout software fixes continuously, and major versions several times a year. Learn what best practices we use to ensure each release is better than the last, with take-away pointers as to how you can use similar techniques in your own organization.

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Ship It!

Presented by:Ted Husted, Release EngineerDerek Hansen, Lead Engineer

Ship It!

Do your best work using our best version.


Intermittent Delivery

Beth Farrar I am proofreading this presentation. This image looks blurry--replace with better quality one.

Delivering Nimble AMS

Begin with the end in mind

Put first things first

Be proactive

Begin with the end in mind

Continuous Delivery

Press Release

Minimum Viable Product

Beth Farrar Image looks blurry. Replace image.
Beth Farrar
Actually there are several images that are blurry/low quality and should be replaced. Can you take a look at them again?

Create Read Update Delete

Business Rules

Help Topics

Developer Overview

Acceptance Tests

Begin with the end in mind

The longest journey begins with a single step.

What’s the simplest thing that can possibly work?

Trust but verify.

Information at your fingertips.

Agility is in the details.

Fail fast, fail often, fail safe.

Put first things first

Agile Board

Feature Orgs

Epic Success

Peer Testing

Code Review

Sprint Backlog

Put first things first

Plan the work, work the plan.

United we stand, divided we code.

Test until fear turns to boredom.

Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.

Working code speaks.

Be Proactive

Readiness Testing

Help Topics


Preview Channel

Be Proactive

Done and Done. It’s suppose to be automatic, but you still have to press the button. Change is the only constant. Look before you leap.

Think Win! Win!


Take Aways

When - Release Cadence

What - Deliverable

How - Process

Who - Develop, Validate, Deploy, Support

Where - Production / Sandbox

Take Aways

Ship no line before its time.

Say what you mean, mean what you say.

There’s a SMART way to manage goals and objectives.

Coordinate. Orchestrate. Integrate.

Location. Location. Location.

Thank You for Attending

“Prioritize. Organize. Simplify.”

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