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Use of multiplexing QR code to increase information

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• Introduction• Abstract

• Objective• Literature Survey• Proposed System Methodology• Proposed System Architecture• Conclusion• References

07/11/14 2Use multiplexing to increase information in QR code SJCET Palai

INTRODUCTION•Quick Response ( QR ) code is developed by a corporation Denso Wave which is a 2-D barcode in matrix form.

•Composed of black and white modules•Widely used because of reading speed, accuracy & functionality characteristic•Maximum data capacity-

07/11/14 3Use multiplexing to increase information in QR code SJCET Palai

• Method to improve QR code capacity Using multicolor Using multiplexing

• Using Multicolor

• Using Multiplexing Here multiple QR codes are clubbed together to one QR code to

increase capacity.


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• This paper is a novel research on the application of multiplexing in QR codes in order to increase the capacity of QR code.

• This technique enables to embed more data than ordinary QR codes.

• Multiplexing and demultiplexing involves special symbols corresponding to number of QR code patterns.

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The objective of the current research is to obtain the benefits of multiplexing to embed a large information stored in QR code within same version and recovery rate.

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Proposed: QR code recognition using mobile phones is proposed in the reference

mentioned above Features used

An image processing system based on mobile is described to be able to binarize, locate, segment, and decode the QR Code.

Limitations Phones that don't have autofocus cam, can't scan QR codes reliably.

Title:- "Recognition of QR Code with mobile phones“ (Yue Lin, 2008)

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Proposed Five different RGB colors (red, green, blue, black and white) were

used to enable twice as much information storage capacity to the QR Code.

Proposed scheme can consistently decode 1024 bits of information stored on a 1.3 cm × 1.3 cm printed area.

Features used Reed-Solomon error-correcting code with a theoretical correction

capability of 38.41% is applied.

Limitations Using many colors to the code will increase the capacity but may have

more problems with the threshold due to the intensity of light compared with the black and white image.

Title:- "CQR codes: Colored quick-response codes" (Max E. Vizcarra Melga, Alexandre Zaghetto, Bruno Macchiavello, Anderson CA Nascimento,2012)


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• Original information divided into n parts to form string of characters.

• Data in each part is encoded into ordinary QR code.

• Basic characteristics of QR code are: Encodable character set - Numeric, Alphanumeric and Special

characters Representation of data - Dark and White modules Symbol size – No. of module & Version(1-40) Data characters per symbol Selectable error correction – L(7%) M(15%) Q(25%) H(30%)

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• Modules corresponding to ordinary QR codes except for finder pattern and timer pattern are multiplexed.

• Special black and white symbols of keyboard are used to represent them.

Examples- \ / ^ < >• No. of special symbols depends on no. of patterns.


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Algorithm for Multiplexing & Demultiplexing


13Use multiplexing to increase information in QR code SJCET Palai 07/11/14

Example of MUXing QR code

•Done with an example

“Welcome to world of QR codes”

•Divided into 3 parts- “Welcome to” , “world of” , “ QR codes”

•3 QR code patterns were obtained.

• Corresponding modules were multiplexed (except finder

pattern and timing pattern) to form a QR code with special


Use multiplexing to increase information in QR code SJCET Palai 07/11/14


• Special symbols were scanned at receiving end and image was recognized by the program.

• The image was demultiplexed to its original QR code patterns with 3 parts.

• Data in each QR code patterns were concatenated back to form the original information message.


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• A novel method to embed large information in QR code was achieved by multiplexing.

• Data can be multiplexed with accuracy in information message.

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• QR Images: Optimized Image Embedding in QR Codes Gonzalo J. Garateguy, Student Member, IEEE, Gonzalo R. Arce, Fellow, IEEE, Daniel L. Lau, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ofelia P. Villarreal, Member, IEEE

• Chanon Skawattananon, Mahasak Ketcham, Sartid Vongpradhip , “Identifying QR Code”, International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, pp.132-135, 2012.

• Grillo, A.; Lentini, A.; Querini M., Italiano, G.F., “High Capacity Colored Two Dimensional codes”, International multi conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp. 709-716, 2010.

• Sartid Vongpradhip and Suppat Rungraungsilp, “QR Code Using Invisible Watermarking in Frequency Domain”, 9th International conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 47-52, 2012.

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