Organic user interface presentaion



In human-computer interaction, an organic user interface (OUI) is defined as a user interface with a non-flat display. After Engelbart and Sutherland's Graphical User Interface (GUI), which is based on the cathode ray tube (CRT), and Kay and Weiser's Ubiquitous Computing, which is based on the flat panel liquid-crystal display (LCD), OUI represents the third wave of display interaction paradigms, pertaining to multi-shaped and flexible displays. In an OUI, the display surface is always the locus of interaction, and may actively or passively change shape upon analog (i.e., as close to non-quantized as possible) inputs. These inputs are provided through direct physical gestures, rather than through indirect point-and-click control. The term "Organic" in OUI was derived from organic architecture, referring to the adoption of natural form to design a better fit with human ecology. The term also alludes to the use of organic electronics for this purpose. The three design principles of OUI ar Input equals output,Function equals form and Form follows flow. Input equals output means output is generated graphically on the screen on the basis of input provided by a control device such as a mouse. Function equals form means the shape of an interface determines its physical functionality. Form follows flow indicates OUIs physically adapt to the context of a user's multiple activities

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Organic User InterfaceSadeedAmeen Po

Roll No. 45


Organic User Interface

In human-computer interaction, an organic user interface (OUI) is

defined as a user interface with a non-flat display.

In an OUI, the display surface is always the locus of interaction, and

may actively or passively change shape upon analog inputs.

the term "Organic" in OUI was derived from organic architecture,

referring to the adoption of natural form to design a better fit with

human ecology. The term also alludes to the use of organic electronics

for this purpose.

Organic user interfaces were first introduced in a special issue of the

Communications of the ACM in 2008

The term ‘organic’ came from four facts:

First, these new flexible interfaces are built from the newly

developed organic electronics and materials.

Second, the malleable form and flexible shape of OUI systems make

give them an ‘organic look’.

Third, the dynamic structure of OUI devices enables them to give

visual feedback by changing their physical shape actively or passively

which gives them an ‘organic feel’ as if the device is alive.

Forth, the human-computer interaction in an OUI system is more

likely similar to human- human interaction resembling the natural

human-physical interaction such as grabbing, folding, shaking and

many other gestures.

It is considered to be a more natural, or “organic”,

experience when information is communicated to us through

normal everyday objects instead of through words and graphics

on a computer screen and so designers have begun trying to

achieve this organic effect by incorporating digital properties

into everyday objects in our environment

With an organic user interface (OUI), the input and output

devices are largely one and the same – the interface itself –

rather than being separate devices, as with a keyboard and

screen. An OUI is typically non-planar and is operated by

touch and gestures and, in the case of the flexible OUI, the

interface itself is actual data that is controlled through

manual deformation. (Holman & Vertegaal, 2008)

Organic user interfaces were first introduced in a special

issue of the Communications of the ACM in 2008.

The first International Workshop on Organic User

Interfaces took place at CHI 2009 in Boston,


The second workshop took place at TEI 2011 in Madeira,

Portugal. The third workshop was held at MobileHCI 2012

in Monterey, California, and the fourth workshop at CHI

2013 in Paris, France.

PaperPhone (2011) was the first

flexible smartphone prototype and

the first OUI with bend interactions on

a real flexible display.

Samsung Youm prototype (2013) with a

display with rounded corners. This is an

example of a displayobject using a flexible

display on a rigid non-flat functional


Organic Design Principles

When developing an interface that is truly organic, designers

should stick to these three principles:

1. Input Equals Output

2.Form Equals Function

3.Form Follows Function

Organic Design Principles

Input Equals Output

Input Equals Output principle states that in organic interface design,

the input and output devices are merged into one, contrary to current

point-and-click planar systems where the input and output devices are


Organic Design Principles

Form Equals Function

Form Equals Function principle states that displays can be of any

shape and designers should be careful to closely match the display’s

shape with the functionality of its graphics;

Organic Design Principles

Form Follows Function

Form Follows Function principle states that a display’s shape should not be

static but should be changeable with the ability to dynamically adapt to the

flow of its usage


Some Examples


Paper Windows

Foldable Input Devices

Interactive Blobjects


A Flexible,Credit card sized device

that respond to prussure

Buttons or Mechanical switches are

not used in this device.

A sencer is placed on the back of

the display for interacions throgh


Paper Windows

Paper Windows have same structure of

a paper.

It enables to project environment in

screan windows.

Digital informations can be managed

as a ordinary paper

This will enable a paper less office

In fact,Thes are flexible displays on the

Size of a paper.

Foldable Input devices

FIDs are used to interact with system

It can also be used with GUI

It is capable to respond to 3D graphics

It is also used for converting window

sheets to 3d model

Interactive Blobjects

These are the Display attached with everyday objects

Incorporating digital properties into everyday objects in our environment

It aims to establish computing through tracking and projection facilities

It is capable for dispaying flash animations,videos,RSS fieds etc..

It is easy to destroy the objects after separating display from it

This type devices will be common with all equipment in feature


A number of new technologies have emerged and combined to advance the

development of organic interfaces

Electronic ink (E-ink):It is a technology where thousands of positively- and

negatively-charged particles suspended in a clear liquid are rendered either

black or white when a positive or negative electric field is applied

Organic light- emitting diode (OLED):It uses both emissive and

conductive layers of organic molecules that light up when electricity is

applied. The flexible OLED (or FOLED) – has been combined with super-thin

flexible batteries and other flexible electronic components (like sensors and

circuits) to create the concept of the Gummi interface.


Ultrasound motors and actuating devices enable displays to

automatically reshape based on input

shape memory polymers:It bring acceleration and multi-

fingered touch on any surface

Electroluminescent lighting (EL) places a phosphor layer

inside two conductive layers to create thin and bendable lamps.

It light up through the application of alternating electrical currents

Optical fibers reconfigured to emit light along the side of the fiber

rather than inside its core can be combined with light sources to

create a flexible source of light

Advantages & Practicality Manipulation of the type of curved data sets used in 3D and

geographic models would be improved through the use of

curved input and output devices

A piece of paper can communicate information while at the

same time be wrapped around an object or folded into a

shape that may convey additional meaning .

Due to the bi-stable nature of E-ink particles (once rendered

black or white, they stay that way), no energy is required to

read an E-ink display

Digital paper that can be automatically updated reduces the

need for printing and re-printing

many everyday tasks are made easier through deformability

– storing objects, flipping pages to navigate a document, and

being able to change functionality based on context (for

example, a shirt can change shape in order to carry


Fashion designers and architects have long been able to

exploit the deformability of their materials in their designs


Despite the advances in OUI development, there are many challenges to

overcome before organic interfaces can become a widespread reality

The cost of the technology is still high

Paperwindows and Gummi displays are made effective only through

the use of expensive motion capture devices or throwaway hardware


In cases where displays change shape or the data is spread across

different disconnected contexts, it’s difficult to maintain consistency

across all the various forms and contexts.

Designers do not make the claim of sustainability while actually

encouraging unsustainable behaviors.

It is more complicated to make all parts of system to non planar and


The initial shift away from paper as a means of storing and

communicating information can be seen as being directly related to

some its flexible properties

Computers have proven to be much more functional in terms of mass

and timely communication because the data doesn’t have to abide by

some of the more limiting laws of physics

The combination of E-ink, OLEDs, and flexible electronics applied to

pliable, organic surfaces prove that we may not need to lose those


Organic interfaces combine the best properties of the computing

world with those of the natural, physical world.

If implemented correctly, OUIs may prove to be a practical upgrade of
