Oop manual


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S.No. Program Date Signature1 To find greatest number among two numbers 12/82 To find the greatest number among three numbers 12/83 To find whether the given number is even or odd 20/84 To swap the values of two variables without using the third


5 To find out the area and circumference of the circle 25/86 To find out the nth term of the Fibonacci series 25/87 To find out the reverse of an n-digit number 1/98 To check whether the given number is palindrome or not 1/99 To check whether the given number is prime or not 8/910 To find the factorial of the given number 23/911 To display all the numbers between 1 and 1000 that are

divisible by a number ‘n’, where n is between 1 and 1003/11

12 To check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not


13 To display student’s personal information using the concept of class and objects


14 To find the mean of two numbers using a friend function 10/1115 To find the greatest value from two values belonging to

two different classes using a friend function.17/11

16 To compute the sum of two complex numbers using constructors


17 To deposit and withdraw an amount from the bank account 24/1118 To implement hybrid inheritance 24/11

Program.1 Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts two numbers from the keyboard and displays the greatest number.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int num1, num2, temp;cout<<”Enter the first number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num1;cout<<”Enter the second number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num2;if(num1>=num2)


temp=num2;cout<<”Greatest number=”<<temp<<”\n”


Program.2 Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts three numbers from the keyboard and displays the greatest number.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int num1, num2, num3, temp;cout<<”Enter the first number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num1;cout<<”Enter the second number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num2;cout<<”Enter the third number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num3;if(num1>=num2){








}cout<<”Greatest number=”<<temp<<”\n”


Program.3Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts a number from the keyboard and checks whether the number is even or odd.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int num1;cout<<”Enter the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num1;if(num1%2==0)

cout<<”Number is even”<<”\n”;else

cout<<”Number is odd”<<”\n”;}

Program.4Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts two numbers from the keyboard and swaps their values without using a third variable

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int x, y;cout<<”Enter the first number(x) =”<<”\n”;cin>>num1;cout<<”Enter the second number(y) =”<<”\n”;cin>>num2;x=x+ y;y=x - y;x=x - y;cout<<”After swapping”<<”\n”;cout<<”First number(x) =”<<x<<”\n”;cout<<”Second number(y) =<<y<<”\n”;


Program.5 Aim: Write a C++ program that displays the area and circumference of the circle

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int radius; float area, circum;cout<<”Enter the radius of the circle=”<<”\n”;cin>>radius;circum = 2.0 * 3.1427 * float(radius);area = 3.1427 * float(radius * radius);cout<<”Circumference=”<<circum<<”\n”;cout<<”Area=”<<area<<”\n”;


Program.6 Aim: Write a C++ program that displays the ‘n’ terms of a Fibonacci series. [Hint: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ..........., n]

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int n, a=0, b=1, c, i;cout<<”Enter the total terms(n)=”<<”\n”;cin>>n;cout<<”Fibonacci Series for “<<n<<”terms:”<<”\n”;cout<<a<<”\n”<<b<<”\n”;for(i=3; i<=n; i++){



Program.7 Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts an ‘n’ digit number and displays its reverse.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int n, num, i, a, b;cout<<”Enter the number of digits in the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>n;cout<<”Enter the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num;a=b=num;cout<<”After reversing=”;for(i=1; i<=n; i++){



Program.8Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts an ‘n’ digit number from the keyboard and checks whether the number is a palindrome or not.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int n, num, i, a, b, rev=0;cout<<”Enter the number of digits in the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>n;cout<<”Enter the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num;a=b=num;for(i=1; i<=n; i++){



cout<<”The number is a palindrome”<<”\n”;else

cout<<”The number is not a palindrome”<<”\n”;}

Program.9Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts a number from the keyboard and checks whether the number is a prime number or not.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int num, i, flag=0;cout<<”Enter the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num;for(i=2; i<=num-1; i++){




cout<<”Number is Prime”<<”\n”;else

cout<<”Number is not Prime”<<”\n”;}

Program.10Aim: Write a C++ program that accepts a number from the keyboard and find out its factorial.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int num, fact=1, i=1, n;cout<<”Enter the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>num;n=num;while(i<=n){




Program.11Aim: Write a C++ program which accepts a number n between 1 and 100 from the user and displays all numbers between 1 and 1000 not divisible by n.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int n, i;cout<<”Enter a number between 1 and 100=”<<”\n”;cin>>n;cout<<”Numbers not divisible by “<<n<<”=”<”\n”;i=n+1;while(i<=1000){





Aim: If the sum of cubes of the digits of a natural number is equal to the number itself, then such a number is called an Armstrong number. For instance 153 is an Armstrong number as 153 = 13+53+33. Write a program which checks that whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;main(){

int n, p, q, sum=0;cout<<”Enter the number=”<<”\n”;cin>>n;p=n;while(p!=0){



cout<<”Number is an Armstrong Number.”<<”\n”;else

cout<<”Number is not an Armstrong Number.”<<”\n”;}

Program.13Aim: Write a C++ program using the concept of class & objects to display the student’s personal information.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class student{

private:char name[20], course[30];int enrol;

public:void getstudentdata(void);void displaystudentdata(void);

};void student :: getstudentdata(void){

cout<<”Enter Enrolment No. =”<<”\n”;cin>>enrol;cout<<”Enter Name =”<<”\n”;cin>>name;cout<<”Enter the course =”\n”;cin>>course;

}void student :: displaystudentdata(void){

cout<<”Enrolment No. =”<<enrol<<”\n”;cout<<”Name =”<<name<<”\n”;cout<<”Course =”<<course<<”\n”;

}const int size=3; main(){

student s[size];for(int i=0; i<size; i++){


}cout<<”\n”;for(int i=0; i<size; i++){




Program.14Aim: Write a C++ program using the concept of class & objects to find the mean of two numbers using a friend function.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class sample{

private:int a, b; float c;

public:void setvalue(void);friend float mean(sample);

};void sample :: setvalue(void){


}float mean (sample s){

s.c = (s.a + s.b)/2.0;cout<<”\nMean Value =”<<s.c;


sample x;x.setvalue();mean(x);


Program.15Aim: Write a C++ program to find the greatest value from two values belonging to two different classes using a friend function.

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class ABC;class XYZ{

private:int x;

public:void setvalue(int i){

x=i;}friend void max(XYZ, ABC);


class ABC{

private:int y;

public:void setvalue(int i);{

y=i;}friend void max(XYZ, ABC);


void max(XYZ m, ABC n){

if(m.x >= n.y)cout<<m.x;




ABC abc;abc.setvalue(10);XYZ xyz;xyz.setvalue(20);max(xyz, abc);


Program.16Aim: Write a C++ program to compute the sum of two complex numbers using constructors

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class complex{

private:float x, y;

public:complex(){}complex(float a){

x=y=a;}complex(float real, float imag){


}friend complex sum(complex, complex);friend void show(complex);


complex sum(complex c1, complex c2){

complex c3;c3.x = c1.x + c2.x;c3.y = c1.y + c2.y;return(c3);


void show(complex c){



complex A(2.7, 3.5);complex B(1.6);complex C;C=sum(A, B);cout<<”A=”;show(A);cout<<”B=”;show(B);cout<<”C=”;show(C);


Program.17Aim: Write a C++ program to represent a bank account. Include the following members:

Data members:• Name of the depositor• Account Number• Balance amount in the account

Member functions:• To assign initial values• To deposit an amount• To withdraw an amount after checking the balance• To display name and address

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class bankaccount{

private:char name[30];int accno, bal, wd;

public:void bankaccount(void);void getdata(void);void deposit(void);void withdraw(void);void putdata(void);


void bankaccount :: bankaccount(void){



void bankaccount :: getdata(void){

cout<<”\nEnter customer name:”;cin>>name;cout<<”\nEnter account number:”;cin>>accno;


void bankaccount :: deposit(void){

cout<<”\nEnter the balance to be deposit:”;cin>>bal;


void bankaccount :: withdraw(void){

cout<<”\nEnter the balance to be withdrawn:”;cin>>wd;if(wd<=bal){

bal=bal-wd;cout<<”\nThe amount can be successfully withdrawn.”;


cout<<”\nThe amount cannot be successfully withdrawn.”;cout<<”\nThe amount is greater than the available balance.”;


void bankaccount :: putdata(void){

cout<<”\nName:”<<name;cout<<”\nAccount No.:”<<accno;cout<<”\nAvailable balance:”<<bal;


const int size=3;main(){

bankaccount customer[size];for(i=0;i<size;i++){



Program.18Aim: Write a C++ program to implement hybrid inheritance (combination of hierarchical, multilevel and multiple inheritance)

#include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class student{

protected:int rollno;

public:void getdata(int a){

rollno=a;}void putdata(void){

cout<<”\nRoll Number:”<<rollno;}


class test :: public student{

protected:float sub1, sub2;

public:void getmarks(float x, float y){


}void putmarks(void){

cout<<”\nMarks obtained”;cout<<”\nSubject 1:”<<sub1;cout<<”\nSubject 2:”<<sub2;


class sports{

protected:float score;

public:void getscore(float s){

score=s;}void putscore(void){

cout<<”\nSports score:”<<score;}


class result :: public test, public sports

{float total;public:

void display(void);};

void result :: display(void){

total = sub1+sub2+score;putdata();putmarks();putscore();cout<<”\nTotal score:”<<total;



result student1;student1.getdata(12);student1.getmarks(27.5, 33.0);student1.getscore(6.0);student1.display();
