National Engineering Week


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Girls Coding Club, GEM &

female members of

every Glasgow STEM club!


National Engineering Week


Come celebrate

Thursday, February 25th from 2:30-4:40 in room F231

FCCLA is serving a 3 course meal*

We have 2 female engineers guest speaker

and in celebration of being an engineer you will get to build your own dessert!

*Funding for this meal is provided by the Virginia FCCLA Leadership Foundation

What should you do if you want to attend the event?

1.Tell your after school STEM club advisor that you want to attend.

What should you do if you want to attend the event?

1.Tell your after school STEM club advisor that you want to attend.

2.They will send an email to Ms. DeHart and as long as there is space you are invited to attend!

What should you do if you want to attend the event?

1. Tell your after school STEM club advisor that you want to attend.

2. They will send an email to Ms. DeHart and as long as there is space you are invited to attend!

3.After that, please watch the news for additional information or updates and prepare yourself

for a fantastic evening!

We look forward to seeing you…….Thursday,

February 25th from 2:30-4:40 in room F231

Funding for this event is provided

by the

Virginia FCCLA Leadership Foundation
