Go and Uber’s time series database m3


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Go & Uber’s time series database M3Rob Skillington, Senior Engineer, ObservabilityApril 26, 2016

● M3 is Uber’s proprietary built metrics platform built entirely in NYC● Graphite was the metric system used at Uber

○ https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web

● Graphite was used for a long time, however it had:○ Poor resiliency, clustering, efficiency, no replication○ Extremely high operational cost to expand capacity

● It provides a Graphite compatible query interface and it’s own query interface M3QL

○ Limitations of Graphite expressions:■ Read inside-out - opposite the flow of execution■ Grouping by position in path - not enough flexibility

○ M3QL is a computation language for filtering and grouping by tags, it is pipe based

What is M3?

What does Graphite and M3QL queries look like?

● Graphite○ stats.counts.cn.requests.arbiter

● movingAverage(transformNull(stats.counts.cn.requests.arbiter, 0), ‘5min’)

● M3QL○ fetch name:requests caller:cn target:arbiter

● fetch name:requests caller:cn target:arbiter| transformNull 0| movingAverage 5min

● fetch name:requests caller:cn| sum target| sort max| head 5

● fetch name:errors caller:cn| sum target| asPercent (fetch name:requests caller:cn | sum target)

What is M3 used for monitoring

What is M3 used for alerting

● Needs to support extremely high write throughput (MMs writes/s)● Needs to support subsecond query (MMs read/s)● Storage is hybrid of inhouse in-memory replicated TSDB and

Cassandra with Date Tier compaction strategy● Query execution is resolve and execute

○ Resolve: lookup the list of time series in Elastic Search index required by the query

○ Execute: fetch series from hybrid storage and execute functions

M3 services and storage




M3 high level architecture

AggregationTier Ingestion

Services & Pipeline

Hybrid Storage

(In-memory & Cassandra)


Query Service






Collector (Agent running

on Fleet)

● Go profiling tool pprof and github.com/uber/go-torch good for CPU profiling

● Once installed pprof HTTP endpoints as simple as:○ go-torch --time=15 --file "torch.svg" --url http://localhost:8080

M3 and Go instrumentation pprof and go-torch

M3 and Go instrumentation pprof and go-torch

● On Ubuntu install with ○ sudo apt-get install linux-tools-$(uname -r)

● Run with○ sudo perf top -p <pid>

M3 and Go instrumentation linux perf tools

M3 and Go instrumentation linux perf tools

● Capturing traffic for a box using libpcap and then either:○ Forwarding live traffic to staging (shadow traffic)○ Save to disk events with timestamps for replay and amplification

M3 and Go instrumentation shadow traffic and load testing

type WorkerPool interface {

GoIfAvailable(f func())


type workerPool struct {

ch chan struct{}


func NewWorkerPool(size int) WorkerPool {

pool := &workerPool{

ch: make(chan struct{}, size),


for i := 0; i < size; i++ {

pool.ch <- struct{}{}


return pool


M3 and Go scheduling non-blocking, upstream retries

func (p *workerPool) GoIfAvailable(f func()) bool {

select {

case s := <-p.ch:

go func() {


p.ch <- s


return true


return false



M3 and Go scheduling non-blocking, upstream retries

● Good for nodes with a fixed size capacity○ e.g., trying to perform more than a fixed set of work a node

causes node to thrash and/or degrades overall throughput and latency

● Good when fronted by a smart load-balancer○ e.g., using HAProxy when returning 500s and using “redispatch”

HAProxy will take node out of rotation and re-attempt on a node that is not “full”

M3 and Go scheduling blocking, upstream hangs

func (p *workerPool) Go(f func()) {

s := <-p.ch

go func() {


p.ch <- s



● Good for “in order” stream based work○ e.g., when the worker pool is full, will ensure application does

not read from data on incoming TCP socket causing backpressure on upstream

M3 and Go scheduling blocking, upstream hangs

● A lot of the overhead of working in a memory managed environment is waiting for the garbage collector to run

● On M3 we have a very heavy write and read path and essentially we need to minimize the allocations that are occurring or else we spend a lot of time simply allocating and collecting memory instead of using CPU cycles for real work

M3 and Go pooling why

type NewFunc func() interface{}

type ObjectPool interface {

Get() interface{}



type spilloverPool struct {

core chan interface{}

spill sync.Pool

avail int64


func NewSpilloverPool(size int, f NewFunc) ObjectPool {

core := make(chan interface{}, size)

for i := 0; i < size; i++ {

core <- f()


sz := int64(size)

return &spilloverPool{core, sync.Pool{New: f}, sz}


M3 and Go pooling spillover pools, fixed size but with elasticity

func (s *spilloverPool) Get() interface{} {

left := atomic.AddInt64(&s.avail, -1)

if left >= 0 {

return <-s.core


atomic.AddInt64(&s.avail, 1)

return s.spill.Get()


func (s *spilloverPool) Put(obj interface{}) {

left := atomic.AddInt64(&s.avail, 1)

if left <= int64(cap(s.core)) {

s.core <- obj



atomic.AddInt64(&s.avail, -1)



● sync.Pool will purge pooled objects during stop the world garbage collection

● Spillover pools are good for steady state execution as objects never are released if fixed size never exhausted

● Spillover pools are also good for bursty traffic as it reverts to short term lived pooling with sync.Pool when fixed size pool is exhausted

M3 and Go pooling spillover pools, fixed size with elasticity

M3 and Go poolingtype Value interface { /* ... */ }

var (

valuesPoolsBuckets = []int{

128, 512, 1024, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536,


valuePools []pool.ObjectPool


func newValues(ctx Context, capacity int) []Value {

var values []Value

if idx := findPoolIndex(capacity); idx != -1 {

values = valuePools[idx].Get().([]Value)


values = values[:0]

} else {

values = make([]Values, 0, capacity)


return vals


array pooling with buckets

● Helpful when dealing with large contiguous arrays that are expensive to allocate and need up to a specific capacity

● By returning []Value with a slice to the start of the array simply using x = append(x, value) we can rely on append to grow outside of our capacity if in the rare case it is required

M3 and Go pooling array pooling with buckets

M3 and Go pooling// Closer is an interface implemented by objects that

// should be closed when a context completes.

type Closer interface {

Close() error


type RequestContext interface {


// RegisterCloser registers an object that should be closed when this

// context is closed. Can be used to cleanup per-request objects.

RegisterCloser(closer Closer)

// AddAsyncTask allows asynchronous tasks to be enqueued that will

// ensure this context does not call its registered closers until

// the tasks are all complete.

AddAsyncTasks(count int)

// DoneAsyncTask signals that an asynchronous task is complete, when

// all asynchronous tasks complete if the context has been closed and

// avoided calling its registered closers it will finally call them.



associating pooled resources with contexts

● Ensure clean and uniform return of pooled resources to their respective pools by registering Closers with the context

● Ensure Closers not called until all pending AsyncTasks are finished○ Helpful for when a timeout is hit waiting for a resource and the

request is finished early, however the timed out downstream request might unsafely try to modify pooled resources part of the now closed upstream request before noticing the context was cancelled

M3 and Go pooling associating pooled resources with contexts

● The heaviest work can cause timeouts during queries, when this happens without cancellation the request will correctly return an error but continue to perform heavy operations in the background

● You can use golang.org/x/net/context to propogate timeouts and cancellations to child goroutines

M3 and Go cancellation cancelling expensive downstream work

type Retrier interface {

// Attempt to perform a method with configured retrier options.

Attempt(f func() error) error

// AttemptWhile to perform a method with configured retrier options while condition evaluates true.

AttemptWhile(condition func() bool, f func() error) error


type Circuit interface {

// Attempt to perform a method with configured circuit options, when circuit broken immediately return error.

Attempt(f func() error) error


func NewIndexer() Indexer {

return &indexer{

retrier: retry.NewRetrier(retry.Options().Initial(500 * time.Millisecond).Max(2).Jitter(true)),

circuit: circuit.NewCircuit(circuit.Options().RollingPeriod(10 * time.Second).ThresholdPercent(0.1)),



M3 and Go retries and circuit breaking failing successfully

M3 and Go retries and circuit breakingfunc (w *indexer) Write(ctx RequestContext, id string, tags []Tag) (bool, error) {

var newEntry bool

err := w.retrier.AttemptWhile(func() bool {

return !ctx.IsCancelled()

}, func() error {

return w.circuit.Attempt(func() error {

if result, indexErr := w.client.Index(id, tags); indexErr != nil {

return indexErr


newEntry = result

return nil



return newEntry, err


failing successfully

● Jitter is important to avoid stampeding herds after downstream recovers from a failure

● Also important to use a worker pool with correct desired upstream backpressure○ This will ensure that when downstream does recover the set of

in flight operations is not too high to thrash the downstream

M3 and Go retries and circuit breaking failing successfully
