Digital Circuit Verification Hardware Descriptive Language Verilog



Verilog HDL is a hardware description language used to design and document electronic systems. Verilog HDL allows designers to design at various levels of abstraction. It is the most widely used HDL with a user community of more than 50,000 active designers. A brief history Verilog HDL originated at Automated Integrated Design Systems (later renamed as Gateway Design Automation) in 1985. The company was privately held at that time by Dr. Prabhu Goel, the inventor of the PODEM test generation algorithm. Verilog HDL was designed by Phil Moorby, who was later to become the Chief Designer for Verilog-XL and the first Corporate Fellow at Cadence Design Systems. Gateway Design Automation grew rapidly with the success of Verilog-XL and was finally acquired by Cadence Design Systems, San Jose, CA in 1989. Verilog was invented as simulation language. Use of Verilog for synthesis was a complete afterthought. Rumors abound that there were merger discussions between Gateway and Synopsys in the early days, where neither gave the other much chance of success...

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Digital System Design

Digital Circuit VerificationHardware Descriptive Language



More Structural Verilog Examples Dataflow Modeling Dataflow Verilog Examples Writing Test Bench

4-1 Multiplexer - Structural Verilog Description module multiplexer_4_to_1_st_v(S, I, Y); input [1:0] S; // S is a vector with components S[1] and S[0] input [3:0] I; // I is a 4-bit input; vectors: I[0]…I[3] output Y; wire [1:0] not_S; // connecting NOT-AND wire [0:3] D, N; // D connecting AND-AND not // N AND outputs

gn0(not_S[0], S[0]), // gn0(output, input) gn1(not_S[1], S[1]);

and g0(D[0], not_S[1], not_S[0]), g1(D[1], not_S[1], S[0]), g2(D[2], S[1], not_S[0]), g3(D[3], S[1], S[0]), g4(N[0], D[0], I[0]), g5(N[1], D[1], I[1]), g6(N[2], D[2], I[2]), g7(N[3], D[3], I[3]); or go(Y, N[0], N[1], N[2], N[3]);endmodule




2-to-4 Line Decoder Structural Verilog

// 2-to-4 Line Decoder: Structural Verilog Description. // (See Figure 4-10 for logic diagram) module decoder_2_to_4_st_v(EN, A0, A1, D0, D1, D2, D3); input EN, A0, A1; output D0, D1, D2, D3; wire A0_n, A1_n, N0, N1, N2, N3; not go(A0_n, A0), g1(A1_n, A1); and g3(N0, A0_n, A1_n), g4(N1, A0, A1_n), g5(N2, A0_n, A1), g6(N3, A0, A1), g7(D0, N0, EN), g8(D1, N1, EN), g9(D2, N2, EN), g10(D3, N3, EN); endmodule






g6 N3

Dataflow Verilog Modeling

A dataflow description is based on function rather thanstructure. A dataflow uses a number of operators that act on operandsto produce the desired function Boolean equations are usedin place of logic schematics.

4-1 Multiplexer - Dataflow Verilog

// 4-to-1 Line Multiplexer: Dataflow Verilog Description (Boolean)// (See Figure 4-14 for logic diagram)module multiplexer_4_to_1_df_v(S, I, Y); input [1:0] S; input [3:0] I; output Y;

assign Y = (~ S[1] & ~ S[0] & I[0])| (~ S[1] & S[0] & I[1]) | (S[1] & ~ S[0] & I[2]) | (S[1] & S[0] & I[3]);endmodule

2-to-4 Line Decoder Dataflow Verilog

// 2-to-4 Line Decoder with Enable: Dataflow Verilog Desc.// (See Figure 4-10 for logic diagram)module decoder_2_to_4_df_v(EN, A0, A1, D0, D1, D2, D3); input EN, A0, A1; output D0, D1, D2, D3; assign D0 =(EN & ~A1 & ~A0); assign D1 =(EN & ~A1 & A0); assign D2 =(EN & A1 & ~A0); assign D3 =(EN & A1 & A0); endmodule

Writing a Test Bench

A test bench in an HDL program for applying stimulus toan HDL design in order to test it and observe the responseduring simulation.

initial begin A = 0; B = 0; // @ t = 0 A and B are set to 0 #10 A = 1; // 10 time units later, A is changed to 1 #20 A = 0; B = 1; // @ t = 30 A is changed to 0 and B to 1 end

Test Bench Example

//HDL Example//------------------------------------------ //Gate-level description of a combinational circuit module analysis (A,B,C,F1,F2); input A,B,C; output F1,F2; wire T1,T2,T3,F2not,E1,E2,E3; or g1 (T1,A,B,C); and g2 (T2,A,B,C); and g3 (E1,A,B); and g4 (E2,A,C); and g5 (E3,B,C); or g6 (F2,E1,E2,E3); not g7 (F2not,F2); and g8 (T3,T1,F2not); or g9 (F1,T2,T3);endmodule

//Stimulus to analyze the circuitmodule test_circuit; reg [2:0]D; wire F1,F2; analysis circuit(D[2],D[1],D[0],F1,F2); initial begin D = 3'b000; repeat (7) #10 D = D + 1'b1; end initial $monitor ("ABC = %b F1 = %b F2 =%b ",D, F1, F2);endmodule

Test Bench Example (continued)
