Contributing to EPANET using GitHub in Windows


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Contributing to EPANETusing GitHub in Windows

Demetrios Eliades, Sam Hatchett, Elad Salomons

Go to

Fork repository

Select accountto fork repository

Select your forked repository

Select the “dev” branch.This branch includes all the contributionsthat are going to be included inthe next EPANET version.You should use this branchas a basis for your contributions.

Select the “dev” branch

Create a new branch, based on “dev”,by giving it a name and by pressing the blue button

You have created a new branch based on “dev”

Install GitHub Desktop

Select the green button to clonethe repository to your computer

Press blue button to clone codein GitHub Desktop software

GitHub will open and askto specify a local folder

The repository is being cloned on your computer

Repository cloning finished

Select the new repository

Select the branch you want to work with.In this case “contributor-*”

If you in are correct branch (see top):right click on EPANET and “open in Explorer”,or press “open this repository”.

What you view when you openthis folder depends on what you haveselected as branch (see top).

Select and openthe file you want to edit

Edit text (before)

Edit text (after)

On GitHub desktopthe changes are detectedautomatically andshown in green.

Write a descriptive titleof the change you’ve made.You can add a more detaileddescription if needed.

Press Commit to savechanges to the branch locally.

After Commit is completed, the branch path is expanded, locally, with a new “point”.

To apply the change toyour private GitHub repository,press Sync

Syncing in progress

Syncing completed

The updated branch willappear in your repository

Press this to compareyour new branchand request to pullyour code to the original branch

Select the destination branch (typically OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET/dev)

Select your branch with thenew code additions.If everything is OK, you should seethe indication “Able to merge” automatically

You can add some further comments. You may mention specific people,using @ + their username.If this commit is related to an open issue, mention it using # + their number.

On the same page, you can review the changes.

Press “Create pull request” to make a review requestto include your contribution to theOpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET/dev branch.

The pull request will appear in theOpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET repositoryunder “Pull requests”.

Now your contribution will be reviewedby the development team.

In the meantime you can review the changes youhave submitted

If your contributionis accepted, then it ismerged to the dev branch

You can safely delete your temporarypersonal branch, if you want.

Personal branch safely deleted

You contribution is now availableand will be incorporated in a futureEPANET version

Congratulations on your commit!
