Cloud computing



cloud computing with an example of icloud

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Overview of “Backup””

• Backup is the activity of copying files or databases so that they will be preserved in case of equipment failure or other hazard.

• It’s a routine part of the operation of large businesses with mainframes as well as the administrators of smaller business computers.

• Personal computer users, backup is also necessary but often neglected. The retrieval of files you backed up is called restoring them.

Old ways of backup systems

Local Backup• Backing up critical files to diskettes in the build in

hard disk.

External Hard Disk• Is a common usage of external device to help

backing up files and retrieving data. But some of them should be connected to electricity and the new way by using the USB. The capacity diverts starting from 250MB to 1.60TB.

iCloud V 2.1

What is Cloud Computing ????

Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand.

Cloud computing provides computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services.

Characteristics of a Cloud Environment

• Dynamic- One of the keys to

cloud computing is on-demand


• Massively scalable- The service must

react immediately to your needs

• Multi-tenant- Cloud computing, by its

nature, delivers shared services

Characteristics of a Cloud Environment• Self-service - As a user, you can use

the service as you require

• Per-usage based pricing model - You

should only ever pay for the amount

of service you consume.

Types of Cloud• Public Cloud – Available to the general public or

large industry group and is owned by an organisation

selling cloud services

• Community Cloud – Shared by several organisations

and supports a specific community that has shared


• Private Cloud – Operated solely for an organisation

or company

• Hybrid Cloud – Combination of two of the above,

they remain unique entities but are bound together

by standardised technologies


iCloud- save your time & work before loosing it!

Save time & space by using


What is iCloud?

• iCloud stores your music, photos, documents, and more and wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. Automatic, effortless, and seamless.

• iCloud is so much more than a hard drive in the sky. It makes it quick and effortless to access just about everything on the devices you use every day.

• iCloud automatically and securely stores your content so it's always available to your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC. It gives you access to your music, apps, latest photos, and more from whichever device you happen to be using.

• keeps your email, contacts, and calendars up to date across all your devices. No syncing required. No management required. In fact, no anything required. iCloud does it all for you.

How to use iCloud?

Running the application• Cloud Backup automatically and securely backs up your most important information to

iCloud daily over Wi-Fi whenever your iOS device is connected to a power source. Once you plug it in, everything is backed up quickly and efficiently. iCloud already stores your purchased music, TV shows, apps, books and Photo Stream; iCloud Backup takes care of everything else, backing up your photos and video in the Camera Roll, device settings, app data, home screen and app organization, messages and ringtones. iCloud Backup can even help you set up a new iOS device or restore the information on one you already own.

iCloud Backup your:• Purchased music, TV shows, apps, and books• Photos and video in the Camera Roll• Device settings• App data• Home screen and app organization• Messages (iMessage, SMS, and MMS)Ringtones

Advantages of Cloud Computing :

There are many ways in which the concept of cloud computing has advantage over the other types of computing .

The four main advantages of cloud computing which have proved very much useful to the mankind over the decade are as follows…

1. Reduced Cost :

Cloud technology is paid incrementally, saving organizations money.

Organizations can store more data than on private computer systems.

2. Increased Storage :

3. Highly Automated :No longer do IT personnel need to worry about keeping

software up to date.

4. More Mobility :Employees can access information wherever they are,

rather than having to remain at their desks.

Real Time Applications :

Real time applications of cloud computing includes one of the most widely used concept of Google cloud printing which provides printing on the go.

Conclusion :

Cloud computing is an online form of computing , where a user can access applications via a browser while the application is installed and stored on a server. This is a new form of computing in which thousands of users all around the world can access something without downloading and installing anything on their laptops or personal computers.
