Characteristics of oop




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OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

A Presentation By:Rasim Izhar AliBECS/S13/0109

What is OOP?Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming technique in which programs are written on the basis of objects.

Examples: C++ PHP Java Objective-C

Classes And Objects

Classes(Classification Of Objects)

A class is a group of objects with same attributes and behavior. The characteristics of a class

are :

A name Attributes Behaviour

What is Object?• An object represents an entity in the real

world such as a person , thing or concept etc.• An object is identified by its name. All object have these characteristics : Identity State Behaviour

ReusabilityExtensibility Decomposability Compos ability Understandability Security

Benefits Of OOP

Characteristics Of OOP

Characteristics Of OOP

Inheritance Data Abstraction Data Encapsulation Polymorphism


InheritanceA programming technique that is used to reuse an existing class to build a new classis known as inheritance.

Categories Of Inheritance1) Single Inheritance:

In Single Inheritance, the child class inherits all data members and member functions of the base class.

2) Multiple Inheritance:In Multiple Inheritance, the child class inherits all data members and member function of base class.

Types Of Inheritance1) Public Inheritance:

In public inheritance, the access status of parent class members in the derived class remains the same.

• The public members of parent class become public members of derived class.

• The private members of parent class become private members of derived class.

• The protected members of parent class become protected members of derived class.

2) Protected Inheritance:In protected inheritance, the access status of parent class members in derived class is restricted.

• The public members of parent class become protected members of derived class.

• The protected members of parent class become protected members of derived class.

• The private members of parent class become private members of derived class.

3) Private Inheritance:In private inheritance, the access status of parent class members in the derived class is restricted.

• The private members of parent class become the private members of derived class.

• The public members of parent class become the private members of derived class.

• The protected members of parent class become the private members of derived class.

Data Abstraction

Data Abstraction Data abstraction or information hiding refers to providing only essential information to the outside world and hiding their background details.

Advantages Of Data Abstraction

Simplification of software development. Testing and debugging. Reusability. Security. Modifications to the representation of a data


Data Encapsulation

Data EncapsulationData Encapsulation is an Object Oriented Programming concept that binds together the data and functions that manipulate the data and that keep both safe from outside interference and misuse.


What is Polymorphism?The word polymorphism is a combination of two words poly and morphism. Poly means many and morphism means form. In object-oriented programming, polymorphism is the ability of objects of different types to respond to functions of the same name. The user does not have to know the exact type of the object in advance. The behavior of the object can be implemented at run time.

Types Of Polymorphism

Virtual functions. Operator overloading. Function overloading.

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