Behave automatically: (Almost) Effortless feature testing


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BEHAVE Automatically

talented developers | flexible teams | agile experts

1. QA World

2. Testing

3. Experiment

4. Moment of honesty

5. Questions time

1. QA World

2. Testing

3. Experiment

4. Moment of honesty

5. Questions time

“Daily morning pray to God,

Should developers make mistakes,

So we can report them.


But you know what?

You don’t have to pray to God,

Because developers WILL make mistakes

I guarantee you that.” :-)

1. QA World

2. Testing

3. Experiment

4. Moment of honesty

5. Questions time

A Painfully Generic Test Case

A Panfully Generic Step: A Painfully Generic Expected Behavior

A Panfully Generic Step: A Painfully Generic Expected Behavior

A Panfully Generic Step: A Painfully Generic Expected Behavior

A Panfully Generic Step: A Painfully Generic Expected Behavior

feature not working


feature > bigger feature


RUN!A Painfully Generic Test Case

1. QA World

2. Testing

3. Experiment

4. Moment of honesty

5. Questions time

1. QA World

2. Testing

3. Experiment

4. Moment of honesty

5. Questions time

automated testing is not 100% reliable

time consuming to start off


Questions Time


Piotr Bł