5 Steps for Getting Started with Collaborative Robots


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Know what collaborative robots can do?

Unlike traditional industrial robots, collaborative robots:

• Are simple and fast to program by non experts.

• Use a small footprint. Most applications don't require fencing.

• Are simple to integrate for the simple tasks.

• Can be repurposed easily for new tasks.

Identify potential tasks

What’s easy to automate?

• Repetitive tasks

• Aligned parts for a pick and place application

• Dispensing

• Matrices and trays

Get the team on board with robots !

Did you know?

The integration of robotics does not cause job loss, instead it

creates a shift in tasks on the production floor.

Your main goal is to increase production with the robot; you will

need more people down the line to handle that increase. You

will end up moving these employees to jobs that are more

stimulating for them, so you will see employees more motivated

about what they do!

Assess your potential applications

But how?

1. Focus on the applications that are identified as

‘’Potential for Automation’’

2. Gather data in order to make a sound decision on the

first application to automate

3. Use the evaluation grid that we will send you at the end

of this educational series on collaborative robots

Get management on board

Closing the deal

1. Quality and consistency

2. Return on investment

3. Added value tasks

4. Decreasing injuries

5. Employee retention
