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▪ Militarism- Build up of armies and navies

▪ Alliances- Nations organized against each other

▪ Imperialism- Competition for markets and colonies

▪ Nationalism- Belief your country is the best


1914 a man from Serbia killed Austria-Hungarian heir to throne Archduke Ferdinand

CENTRAL POWERS - Austria-Hungary; Germany; Bulgaria; Ottoman

Empire ALLIED POWERS- Serbia; Russia; France

Great Britain

German-American and Irish-American immigrants wanted US to back Central Powers

Many Americans disliked autocratic leader in Germany

America remained neutral

December 1914 National Security League train men for combat make sure people are ready for war

make sure people are patriotic

Even though the US proclaimed its neutrality it began to trade more and more with Allied powers.

Germany warned US it would use its U-Boats to sink American ships transporting ammunition

U-Boat = submarines

May 7,1915 Germans sink British passenger liner Lusitania *Cause of American Entrance Into War

Killed 1,200 passengers 128 Americans

On May 24,1916 Germans sink French passenger ship Sussex

US threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with Germany if they didn’t stop submarine warfare

Britain intercepts a telegram from Arthur Zimmermann, Germany’s foreign secretary to Mexico

Telegram offers Mexico help if they fight the United States

Liberty Bonds were sold to pay for war

People could redeem the bonds after war with interest

$20 Billion was raised

With less immigrants coming to America factories turned to African Americans and Mexican Americans to work

500,000 African Americans left the South for Northern cities

400,000 women joined the workforce

1918 Congress proposes the Suffrage Amendment

August 24,1920 Amendment becomes law

People began to distrust anything related to Germany

Changed German sounding names, burned books

Attacked and lynched people of German ancestry

Espionage Act of 1917 Crime to interfere with draft Crime to mail “treasonous” materials

Sedition Act of 1918 Crime to say or publish anything bad

about the government, constitution, flag, or military

Supreme Court rules free speech can be restricted during wartime

Clear and present danger

“fire” in a movie theater

1917 Russian Revolution Communist state established Russia out of war

Fear communism will sweep through US

November 1918 war ends Allies win

Paris Peace Conference Jan. 1919 Meeting of world leaders to discuss


Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace No secret diplomacy Freedom of seas Free trade Reduce arms Self-Determination League of Nations

Germany loses Blamed for war Reparations Loss of military Loss of land Loss of colonies

Many fear it will pull US into more wars

Senate does not approve Treaty of Versailles US not in League of Nations

US- largest creditor Countries owe US $

European nations can’t payThe Dawes Plan

US lends money to Germany Germany pays reparations Allies pay US

Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 15 nations meet and sign pact War outlawed except in self-defense

Senate rejected TreatyJuly 2, 1921 Congress votes to

end warCongress ratifies separate peace

treaties with Germany, Austria and Hungary
