World war ii


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The War to End All Wars

Great Depression-a global economic crisis During The Depression Europeans

economies declinedUnemployment skyrocketed as businesses, farms, and banks went bankrupt

Dictator-a ruler who has total control Russia, Italy, and Germany had dictators

rise to power during the depression

Russian dictator who gained power in 1917 after Russian revolution

Formed Communist government

Communism-political system in which the government owns all of the property and all aspects of life in the country

Took over after Lenin died

He made all economic decisions

Restricted religious worship

Used secret police to spy on citizens

Italian dictator Promised to make

Italy stronger and revive economy

Spoke of restoring the glory of the former Roman Empire

Suspended basic rights including freedom of speech and trial by jury

Angry over the Treaty of Versailles, he founded the National Fascist Party.

Fascism stressed the glory of the state—the rights and concerns of individuals were of little importance.

Established a dictatorship that allowed no other political parties

Had total control over daily life in a totalitarian regime

Totalitarianism is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.

Think Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin

Promised to strengthen Germany

Vowed to rebuild Germany’s military and economy

Banned all parties except the Nazi Party

Began discriminating against so-called inferior races, particularly Jews.

Italian and German Aggression leads Europe into WWII

Aggression-Attack or use of force Italy invades Ethiopia Hitler and Mussolini form the Rome-Berlin

Axis Hitler annexes (or adds) Austria to

Germany’s territory. This violates the Treaty of Versailles

Empire of Japan believed that militarism and that the strength of the military is equal to the strength of a nation

Led by General Hideki Tojo, the ministerof war who took control

of the country in October of 1941.

The belief or desire of a government that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

Government where the people have a voice in those ruling them

The people’s voice is heard through Free Elections

Free Enterprise System-People have choices in their economic system, can own their own businesses and control their own economic success/failures

President Roosevelt tried to keep the US out of the war with the theory of Isolationism

Isolationism-Policy where a country refuses to enter into any treaties or alliances

The US remains out of WWII until Japan attacks US at Pearl Harbor-Dec 7, 1941

Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan

Allied Powers France Great Britain United States Russia

Was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a program of systematic state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany.

Genocide- is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

Two-thirds of the population of nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust were killed.

Propaganda- the coordinated attempt to influence public opinion through the use of media.

Hitler used Propaganda to convince Germany and his followers to enter into a “Total War” and to carry out his plan to “exterminate” the Jewish population.
