Women Rights in our Society


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Made By:-Sahil Juneja

We daily read many incidents of violence against women in our society and raise our voice against these incidents.

But there is a question from all of us.

Do we really understand and respect the rights of women.

Unfortunately the answer is no for majority of people. Still in many places in society women and girls are deprived from their fundamental rights of education, decision making rights etc.

Women’s Rights mean a lot more than this.

In right sense every women in some or other way face an incident which violates their rights , like eve teasing, women harassment at workplace, domestic violence etc. are some of the shameful issues which have to eradicated from our society.

Many men from our society have small mentality that they consider don’t domestic violence a crime against women and they consider it as their right.

Such men are not quality men. A man of quality respect women’s equality.

Every one among us needs to understand that there can be no human rights without women’s rights.

Now the time has came when men needs to change their mentality about women and should stop thinking them as object as women also deserves an equal share of freedom as men does.

Freedom of Speech.

Freedom from Fear.

Freedom to Vote.

Freedom of Choice.

Freedom from Torture.

Freedom from enslavement.

In our modern society where women have touched the new heights of success, but the other side still needs lots of effort to improve the things because the difference between successful women and women deprived of fundamental rights is very high.

It is not only responsibility of government to stop violence against women, but it is also our responsibility to raise our voice against these issues, then only we can dream of a day where women of our society will enjoy their rights.

In some countries women are not allowed to even watch the sports of male teams.

Women are not allowed to study at universities and can be arrested for not wearing the correct clothing such as Iran.

In Ukraine and Mexico, women are often denied employment simply because they are women.

There are still many countless places even in our country where gender discrimination is in very high rate.

Every women of our society has some unique qualities and has something to offer for development of our society.

Every women is ‘nayaab’ either a housewife or a working women.

Keeping these things in mind a platform ‘Jaipur Women Blog’ has been launched where women can join and can share their experiences of their life and their unique qualities with us,

The mission of this campaign is to make every woman a happy woman.
