Wnl 122 towards social sementic by samhati soor


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Samhati Soor

Documentation Research and Training Centre

Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore Centre, India

But Semantic Digital Library is not very flexible to giveinformation community-specific services through it.

That is why social collaboration is needed.





L Physical space emphasizing physical collections

Depends upon the needs of the community and time




transfigured to modern digitized library

emergence of new tools and technologies







produce more meaningful results against a query

Library professionals are able to give more depth information to the users of a particular domain.

Traditionally, libraries were collections of books, manuscripts,journals, and other sources of recorded information.

Library, as observed by Carl White in his 'Bases of ModernLibrarianship' [1964], is that it is the product of human effort and itis related to the whole structure of social evolution.

According to, Dr S.R. Ranganathan, “A Library is a socialinstitution”. He has written that library is for life-long self-educationof one and all having up-to-date facts distributed in an unbiasedand balanced way. He mentioned the following social functions of alibrary:

To increase the economic resources

To help the elevating self-dependent use of leisure

To help in increasing the opportunity for spiritual awakening of one

Library workings - manual in nature.

Library operations - apparently costly and time-consuming.

Information - static in nature.

Tough to maintain or preserve physical media for a long duration

Rare convenient access

If someone borrowed a particular book, another user had to wait to read it.

A Digital Library is an organized collection of multimedia and other

types of resources which are available in computer processable form.

Introducing new tools and technologies

Providing efficient information retrieval

Creating digitized collection and electronic databases

Identifying relevant sources very quickly

Maintaining cost-effectiveness of library operations

Encouraging co-operative efforts which leverage the considerable

investment into research resources

Prodding fast and efficient access of information with multiple access


Giving need-based and retrospective search services to the user

Imparting rapid access to bibliographic as well as full-text information

Subscribing e-journals across the world

Minimizing the massive storage and space problems in libraries

And many more

Traditional Library Capability Digital Library Capability

Acquisitions and collection development Capture

Cataloging rules and bibliographic control Catalog and Index

Stacks, inventory management and shelf lists Store

Public card catalog Search

Patron privileges and circulation rules

consistent with public law and policy


Loan management and inter library loans Retrieve

Source: http://ir.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/1944/1392/1/36.pdf

“Metadata” is simply 'data about data' or 'information about information'.

According to NISO(The National Information Standards Organization),2004:1 metadata has been refined to “structured information that describes, explains, locates or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use or manage an information resource”.

The DCMI(Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) defines metadata as “data associated with either an information system or an information object for purposes of description, administration, legal requirements, technical functionality, use and usage and preservation”.

Describing what the resources are

Expounding what they are about

Enabling interoperability

Supplying digital identification, description for archiving and the preservation of resources

Metadata is independent of any language.

Metadata is extensible through attributes.

According to Sebastian Ryszard Kruk,

“Semantic digital libraries integrate information

based on different metadata like resources, user

profiles, bookmarks, taxonomies; provide

interoperability with other systems (not only

digital libraries) on either metadata or

communication level or both and deliver more

robust, user friendly and adaptable search and

browsing interfaces empowered by SEMANTICS”.

Source: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~cmarcum/diglib.history.html

Source: http://lifeboat.com/ex/web.3.0

Source: http://www.edudemic.com/what-is-web-3-0-and-how-will-it-change-education/

Encoding knowledge to make it understandable by a set of Common

Providing the required conceptualizations and knowledge representation

Having Mature concepts

Sharing common understanding of information among people or agents

Analyzing and re-using of domain knowledge

RDF (Resource Description and Framework),

DAML (DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Agent Markup Language)

OWL (Web Ontology Language)

Defining things unambiguously

Efficient and effective Interoperability technique

Expanding and/or narrowing search terms

Enabling “Activity-based” search

Validating taxonomy membership

Distributed and aggregated in nature

Mapping DBMS, OOPs, UML

Ontologies + Rules = Inference

Traditional Library Capability Digital Library


Semantic Digital Library


Acquisitions and collection


Capture Semantic Web Selection

Cataloging rules and

bibliographic control

Catalog and Index Semantic Representation

Stacks, inventory management

and shelf lists

Store Semantic-based Storing

Public card catalog Search Semantic Search

Patron privileges and circulation

rules consistent with public law

and policy

Protect Semantic Resource Using

Loan management and inter

library loans

Retrieve Semantic Services

Semantic Digital libraries - concentration to deliver

qualitative content or information, not to share

knowledge within a community of users

The social semantic digital library - an attempt to

restore the collaborative approach to share


DL: Digital Library

SDL: Semantic Digital Library

SSDL: Social Semantic Digital Library

Overall results are more accurate for social semantic technology users

Factors constraint the information servers to initiate and adopt the Social Semantic Web

Communication barriers Absence of suitable metadata representations Absence of user-friendly applications Limited available literature .

Library and information science personals need to participate in ontology and social semantic-based conferences to explore the technology more and also to give wider coverage to their skills and talent.

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