Will vs Going to


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By: Ferran R. M.



Will To make a promise

I promise... I WILL help you with your English exam.

I promise... I WILL pass all the exams.

Will To make a prediction

I WILL marry and have two kids. I WILL live in Andorra when I get


Will To make a decision at the time of


I WILL go to Marin’s party. I WILL go to see the UEFA final.

Will To state a fact about the future

My sister WILL be 18 next month. She WILL finish university next year. I WILL go to Escolapies of Masnou.

Will Think Guess I think I WILL study

science... Hope Probably I hope they WILL

enjoy Possibly in Andorra Probably it WILL rain tomorrow

(verb to be) + Going toPlans Gonna (US)

A future event that has been planned before the time of speaking

In 3rd ESO, we are going to Sort next year. (plan)

We are going to do another verb exam in june.

In 4rd ESO, we are going to Canarias next year.

(verb to be) + Going to To make a future prediction based on

plans or evidence.

My parents are going to be very proud, I’ve passed all my exams.

My friends are going to have fun, they’ve gone to a disco.



Ferran R. M.18