Why Schools Should Be Like a Family Restaurant



Keynote presentation by George & Alec Couros for #RSCON3.

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Why Schools Should Be Like A Family Restaurant

By George & Alec Couros


“We need to teach kids to respect the past but to live in the future.”

Marc Prensky

social objects as connectors

“the term ‘social networking’ makes little sense if we leave out the objects that mediate the ties between people.”

“To answer your question, I did use Youtube to learn how to dance. I

consider it my ‘main’ teacher.”

“To answer your question, I did use Youtube to learn how to dance. I

consider it my ‘main’ teacher.”

“10 years ago, street dance was very exclusive, especially rare dances like popping

(the one I teach and do). You either had to learn it from a friend that knew it or get VHS

tapes which were hard to get. Now with Youtube, anyone, anywhere in the world can

learn previously ‘exclusive’ dance styles.”

is our prescribed curriculum enough?

how do we embrace social connectors?

leaders must be visible

know your customers

It is always about relationships.

cater to unique tastes

“This generation thinks in pictures, words, and still and moving images and is comfortable mixing them all in the same space.”

Nick Bilton

We don’t need to do the same things differently,

we need to different things.

Student Led Assemblies

Hip Hop

Identity Day

Forest Green News

Student Led Conference

1-1 Laptop Program

Pu#et Pals

continuously assess your menu


Visitors vs. Residents

“The average digital birth of children happens at about 6 months.”

“The average digital birth of children happens at about 6 months.”

“In Canada, US, UK, France Italy, Germany & Spain ... 81% of children under the age of two have some kind

of digital profile or footprint.”


“Children approach thrills and risks in a progressive manner, and very few children would try to climb the highest point the first

time they climb. The best thing is to let children encounter these challenges from an early age, and they will progressively learn to

master them through play over the years.”

importance of atmosphere

create repeat customers

Schools need to start realizing

that kids and families have a choice.

understand reputation

“Privacy is no longer possible ...”

“Privacy is no longer possible ...”

“... the technical infrastructure for creating and sharing content has been simplified to the point where

anyone with even limited technical skills can participate.”

“Privacy is no longer possible ...”

“... the technical infrastructure for creating and sharing content has been simplified to the point where

anyone with even limited technical skills can participate.”

“Social spaces and the process of identity creation and growing up

require some “forgivability”.”



network mentors

“Web 2.0 tools exist that might allow academics to reflect and reimagine what they do as scholars. Such tools might positively affect -- even transform - research, teaching, and

service responsibilities - only if scholars choose to build serious academic lives online, presenting semi-public selves and becoming invested in and connected to the

work of their peers and students.” (Greenhow, Robelia, & Hughes, 2009)

importance of having fun

final thoughts

Let individuality shine through.

Some of the best learning is social.

Get out there and mingle.

We all need passion for what we do.

Thank You for Learning with Us



