Who cares about the Platform - Let's just focus on 21st Century Skills



A snappy, 10 minute presentation for the VoicEd Day at Davison High School on Saturday 8th March, 2013

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Who cares about the


Let’s just focus on developing

21st Century Skills


Knowledge Construction

Self Regulation

Real World Problem Solving and Innovation

ICT for Learning

Skilful Communication

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by Chris Goldberg: http://flickr.com/photos/chrisgold/7452405486/

CollaborationDo learners collaborate


Do learners have shared responsibility for achieving a

joint outcome?

Do learners make substantive decisions together?

Learners work is interdependent?

Meaningful knowledge construction?

Significant ideas, topics questions and thinking?

Make connections and identify patterns?

Learners apply knowledge in a new context?

Knowledge Construction

Substantive time and opportunity?

Know learning intentions and success criteria in


Plan their own work?

Use feedback to improve learning?

Self Regulation

cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo by Professor Bop: http://flickr.com/photos/professorbop/3876363418/

Real World Innovation

and Problem Solving

Real world issues?

Actively inquire and pose questions?

Generate possibilities, design, and test?

Evaluate and take acton?

Opportunity to use ICT?

Required to construct knowledge and add value to


Create new ideas and products for authentic users?

Ethical use and 21C capabilities?


ICT for Learning

Requires coherent communication using range of


Design communication for particular audience?

Substantive, multi-modal communication?

Reflect to improve communication?

Skilful Communication

Pip Cleaves !!


Design | Learn | Empower



Images from: http://www.51japanesecharacters.com