Whetstone wonderful


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Whetstone Wonderful

Who AwardsSpring 2014

Global Studies

Even in an online classWe all deserve some recognition!So thank you for going above and

beyond and Always trying your best!!!

Awesome Job to Brittni!No zeros, all work complete

We all may have a bad day, but keeping up with assignments is essential to passing this

class!Email me anytime you miss an assignment!

”Best Blog Post goes to…

JonOpinions supported by facts make a great blog post!

I support the vegetarian diet. I chose this diet because of all the bad things I read about meat. Yes I do love meat but I

had no clue how awful it affects our world. The three reasons why I chose this diet is because the more popular meat based diets are the more popular diseases, the waste of valuable resources, and human health. Your body is your temple and if we do not take care of our bodies than we will continue to die at such young ages from diseases that have

no cures.

Best example of peer support goes to…

GregoryOften responds telling students where they can

look to find steps to do the work!

Supporting others by posting in the online discussion help board and helping others in facilitator classroom

without any prompting from teacher!!!

”Best example of communication

goes to…Sally

Daily Sally communicates with me letting me know of any reasons she would miss class or questions on

assignments (she is first to catch my mistake)

”Most creative assignment…


Module 8

I realized that the distribution of water in the world is not equal when it comes to population versus water usage. Turn off water

while you are brushing your teeth, run the dishwasher full, run the washing machine full, place a bucket in the shower to collect water

while you are waiting for it to heat up, take fewer showers.

”Up to date reporter…


Current Events are our class!

Always ready to discuss what is going on makes D’Shawn a great reporter! Watch or listen to the news every morning as you get ready

and on your way to school. Remember to check the RSS newsfeed for our class on the website


Keep on trying and always do your best and I will continue to enjoy everyday as your


Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.George Santayana
