Whereto with technology day2



Day 2 of WHERETO with Technology

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Understanding by Design, Stage 3

“If you don’t know exactly where you are headed, then any road will get you there.”

Day 2

Learning by Design

Parkway School District

2011 - 2012

“ There is no ideology to it: Do what works

in Stage 3 to meet the objectives of Stage 1.”

-- Wiggins and McTighe, 2005








here from, where to, why

ook and hold

xplore and experience, explain and equip

eflect, rethink, revise

ailor and personalize the work

valuate work and progress

rganize for optimal effectiveness

Group 2: Investigating Senteo as a formative assessment tool

Group 3: Created a Smart Notebook page that works as a tool

for self-assessment. Students use this towards the end

of learning a concept in order for teachers to identify

which students need more help before moving


Group 4: Worked on the same tool as Group 3.

Group 2: Translated existing paper-based performance task (how

many arrangements of the room are possible?) into an

introduction to the unit, where students rearrange the

desks of their own classroom.

Group 3: Created a 'birthday party' hook that will act as a

touchstone for math concepts as they occur. Each time

students acquire a new skill, they will build onto the story

of the 'party' they are planning.

Group 4: Re-examined the order of math concepts as they are

presented by the textbook and created a question as a

hook for the upcoming unit: "How can we think faster than

a calculator?" - a focus on developing mental math


Learning activities …

live here

support these

employ these

develop these in


• EUs, EQs

• Knowledge, Skills1

• Performance Assessments

• Other Assessments2

• Learning Activities3

• EUs, EQs

• Knowledge, Skills1

• Performance Assessments

• Other Assessments2

• Learning Activities3

Stage 1 (Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions)

Stage 2 (Assessment) Performance Event (GRASPS)

Stage 3 (WHERETO) A – M – T (Acquisition, Meaning Making, Transfer)

To what degree might our units help students transfer their knowledge to other parts of their lives?

To what degree might our units help student review and reconsider knowledge and skills they have gained?








here from, where to, why

ook and hold

xplore and experience, explain and equip

eflect, rethink, revise

ailor and personalize the work

valuate work and progress

rganize for optimal effectiveness

Build background knowledge

Offer opportunity to discover

Connect outside the classroom

Identify objectives

Communicate progress through rubrics or example work

Mix direct instruction with investigation

More at www.MathPickle.com

Skype with an author, another classroom, an expert, a parent

Google Earth interactive tours or layers + Smart Notebook

Discovery Education assignments

Wallwisher – essential question posted and ask students to “think aloud”

Web Quests – inquiry project online





ake meaning


Purposeful work through publishing Wikis for student projects (Google Sites or wikispaces)

Blogging for student interaction (Kidblog.org or Edmodo)

VoiceThread to invite community feedback

Gathering an audience Colleagues

Other schools in the district

Social networks

Parents and relatives

• EUs, EQs

• Knowledge, Skills1

• Performance Assessments

• Other Assessments2

• Learning Activities3

Where might technology support the work?

How are your activities building background

knowledge through experiences, inside and

outside the classroom?

How might one of your existing activities

change to incorporate opportunities for









here from, where to, why

ook and hold

xplore and experience, explain and equip

eflect, rethink, revise

ailor and personalize the work

valuate work and progress

rganize for optimal effectiveness

Seeing and hear points of view through critical eyes and ears

Seeing the “big picture”

Looks like …

Showing metacognitive awareness

Being aware of what we don’t understand

Perceiving what shapes our own understanding

Looks like …

Finding value in what others might find odd, alien, or implausible

Perceiving sensitivity on the basis of prior direct experience

Looks like …

Concept mapping (Smart Notebook, One Note, LucidChart)

Role play (Edmodo)

Digital Storytelling (PhotoStory3, Pixie, Kerpoof)

examples from the Parkway Film Festival

Exit slips for parent and student (Wallwisher)


Blogging – to examine work as a whole

Edmodo – to look at small pieces

Smart Board – ungroup and move words, concepts

Document camera + Smart Board – annotate and discuss exemplary student examples

Word – add comments (students access each other’s work in L: drive)


What did you learn? What did you learn about x that I did not teach you?

How did you learn it?

How might you apply it in the future?

• EUs, EQs

• Knowledge, Skills1

• Performance Assessments

• Other Assessments2

• Learning Activities3

Where might technology support the work?

What opportunities exist in your unit that

stretch students through

perspective, empathy, or self-knowledge?

How do you build in time for revision and

reflecting? What does that look like in your


To what degree might our units help students transfer their knowledge to other parts of their lives?

To what degree might our units help student review and reconsider knowledge and skills they have gained?


“ Education should be an itch, not a scratch.”

-- Frank Lyman, 1992