Where Did the Water Go? a PowerTalk - Minarets High School English



Can you hear what I'm going to say from what you see? This is an example for my class of the slides for a video lecture called a PowerTalk like a TEDtalk crossed with a Lessig method talk. M.Powers 2014

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Hi!I’m Matt, and I live in California.


Minarets High School

Sierra Foothill Photography 2014

I live where all those fires are.

Facebook 2014

We’re also experiencing a


planetminecraft.com 2014

...which got me thinking...

Where did the water go?

Theblockhouseschool.org 2014

National Geographic 2014

National Geographic 2014

National Geographic 2014

Tulare County

Earthzine.org 2014

What do the coastal cities do with our water?


Aquafina 2014

Aquafina 2014

Is Aquafina still being offered everywhere?

What about the farmers?

Mercurynews.com 2014

•Damming & Rerouting the water

•Bottling the water

•Agricultural Exports

What can we do?


allow its sale (in glass) containers to locals only

(so it stays in our ecosystem)

STOP THE WATER FROM LEAVINGDecommission the dams, canals & pipesMicrodam, swale & plant the keyline to

bring back the ground water, the forest along the valley ridges, & the rain


No Chemical Fertilizer, Pesticide, or Herbicide $$$$

Use 20% the Water used now with No Till & Mulching

Higher Yield through DiversificationPerennial-based Agriculture=More $$$

& Less Work over time

Encourage all the other states to start building their own

soils & buying from their local farmer.

What about all the agricultural $$$ we’ll


AP 2009

Where’s Tulare Lake?

Invisible5.org 2014

Where there’s water, there’s life.

The best thing anyone can do is...

Harvest your roof rainwater


Recharge your landscape with keyline swales

ccpermies.blogspot.com 2014

What else?

Popular Mechanics 1933.

Disclose.tv 2014

Supergreensolutions.com 2014

We have the science; we have the answers.It’s up to us to utilize them.