What's In It for Me? How Administrators & Teachers Benefit from School Library Programs




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What’s In It For Me?

How Administrators & Teachers Benefit from Strong School Library Programs

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What’s In It For Me

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What’s In It For Me?

In what roles they see librarians

What administrators value about library programs

What teachers experience with library programs

How they assess teaching of info literacy

How that relates to test scores

Most Popular Librarian Roles

1. Reading motivator2. Instructional support3. Teacher4. Instructional

resources manager5. In-service

professional development provider

Administrator Quotes

This elementary school has a librarian who has instilled a love of reading in all

students, including the most reluctant. She finds books that are appealing to

individual students & sets them aside. This individual attention has created a library

that is magical in the eyes of our students.

Our high school has an inspiring new librarian. She makes the library a study, technology & research resource. She

encourages teachers to partner with her on writing, technology & subject exploration. Our librarian’s vision & dedication make our library welcoming to all—especially

poor and refugee students.

Teacher Quotes

My kids use the library like crazy, and our librarian has a very inviting & friendly personality. Kids just get better the

more the use the library. Thank goodness we have a librarian who is so

available to us.

Ours is a school of readers. The librarian is instrumental in this. If

students don’t like a book they are reading, they don’t have to read it. Our

librarian helps students find books they are excited to read. Time and again, reluctant

readers say “I want another book like that.”

More Teacher Quotes

Our librarian sends us links to helpful websites and resources on the web almost

weekly. She always thoroughly checks them out, and gives us a quick summary of how they may be helpful in the classroom.

I am lucky & grateful to work in a school with an excellent librarian. The library

truly is “the academic, social, and emotional hub of the learning

community” as declared in its mission statement.

What Administrators Value in Library Programs

Idaho Administrators9 out of 10 value as

essential or desirable: Librarian on

committees Collaboration with

teachers Flexible scheduling

8 out of 10 value: Librarian as in-service

provider Librarian & principal

meeting regularly

Indiana PrincipalsAlmost all value as

essential or desirable: Collaboration Librarian as in-service

provider Librarian on

committees9 out of 10 value:

Flexible scheduling Librarian &R principal

meeting regularly

Principal Quote

The library should be the heart of the school.

The librarian is the key to successful collaboration

among the academic components of a school


Most Common Library-Related Activities Engaging Teachers

1. Librarian provides instructional resources

2. Classes to library on fixed schedule

3. Classes/students to library on flexible schedule

4. Teacher requests instructional resources

5. Teacher accompanies students to library (4th in IN)

Value of Collaboration with Librarian to Teachers

When it comes to teaching their students … Information literacy Independent learning Social responsibility

More teachers believe they do a better job when collaborating with their librarian than when going it alone

Instructional Collaboration & Access to I-Design Resources

Librarians provide teachers with Instructional partners Access to instructional design resources

Sometimes librarians initiate partnerships & pro-actively offer resources. Sometimes teachers initiate partnerships & ask for resources.

Regardless, students are more likely to succeed when librarian & teachers work together.

Teacher Quotes

I have a very collaborative relationship with our librarian. Our latest endeavor has

lasted 5 years. It has enriched me as an instructor.

Being a fairly new teacher, I am still learning. Our librarian is one of the first

resources I go to for help.

Our librarian was incredibly helpful to me in putting together a research project. I

have more confidence as a teacher because of her efforts.

Administrator Support of Libraries Leads to More Successful Schools

Schools more likely to succeed when administrators value Librarians & teachers

working together Librarians provide in-

service to teachers Librarians & principals

meet regularly Principal appoints

librarian to key committees

Librarian role addressed in teacher hiring interviews

When administrators believe their library programs do a better job of teaching ICT literacy, students more likely to excel at Reading Language arts

Administrator Quote

I have served in several school districts over 25 years. Successful schools have an active, forward-thinking, highly involved librarian.

Pennsylvania (In Progress)

National Leadership Grant research project of the Institute of Museum & Library Services

Updating 2000 PA school library impact studyFirst such study to incorporate 21st Century

Learner standards from American Association of School Librarians as well as state and Common Core Standards

Will produce infrastructure specifications and cost estimates for 21st Century school libraries

For More About School Library Impact Studies

Library Research Service’s School Library Impact Studies page http://www.LRS.org/impact.php

Mansfield University’s School Library Impact Studies Project http://library.mansfield.edu/impact.asp

Rutgers’ Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries Impact Studies page http://cissl.rutgers.edu/joomla-license/impact-studies
