What is geography




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What is Geography?!

Joy Policarpio

Angelica Villegas




Physicaland Human Geography

*Physical Geography*

•Describes and studies the surface features of the Earth.

*Human Geography*• Describes and studies what

human beings do in and on land and water.

• Cultures-It divides the people of the world into groups called Cultures.

Branches of Human Geography

• 1. Economic Geography

• 2. Political Geography

• 3. Geography and Political Science

• 4. Social Geography

Physical or Natural ElementsA. Weather and Climate

B. Landforms1. Continents and Islands

2. Highlands3. Lowlands

C. Waterforms1. Oceans and Seas

2. Waters of the land

D. Plants and Animals

E. Natural Resources

Cultural or Human ElementsA. Man

1. Population2. Cultural Groups

3. Cultural Institutions

B. Works of Man1. Settlements

2. Economics or Ways of Life3.Routes of Transportation

4. Communication

The Elements of Geography

Types of Geography

1.Topical Geography

•The study of a single phenomenon on the earth's surface.

2.Regional Geography

• The investigation and correlation of all significant phenomena as they are found in any particular area

3. Economic Geography

• Emphasizes the relationships between man's efforts to earn a living on the earth's surface.

4.Political Geography

•The study of internal and external relationships of political units according to their structure and function as occupiers of space

5.Historical Geography

•The study of change in areal differentiation through time.


• Concerned with the distribution of animals and their adaptations to, or their restriction by, environment.


