What is an informal meeting?


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By Skillmaker

What is an informal meeting?

far less heavily planned and regulated

no minutes, a chairperson and a set agenda.

take place in a casual setting

What is an informal meeting like?

like a coach having a quick and opportune chat

during the non-playing period

about broad issues

What is the purpose of an informal meeting?

discuss issues not appropriate in a formal meeting.

designed to make participants feel free to speak their mind

greater degree of spontaneity and flexibility.

What are the different types of informal meeting?

One-on-One: just two people meet.

Team Meeting: a project team joins together to discuss their project

Informational Meeting: large groups of people join together to receive an instruction

What’s involved with informal meetings?

no formal requirements

easier to arrange than formal ones

more things can be discussed

Where do informal meetings fit into the management function?

way for managers to meet with their staff

flow of information can go both ways

lower level staff are able to share their own ideas

How do informal meetings impact on organisational goals?

allowing participants to share thoughts and ideas which may not be fully developed yet

able to discuss these ideas before formally presenting them.

What terms are used in conducting informal meetings?

Impromptu – Meetings called immediately, or with very little notice.

Ad Hoc –little planning - based on a single issue

Procedures –few (if any) rules associated with informal meetings.


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