What have you learnt about technologies from


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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While making my production I have used lots of different types of technology to help me.I used the internet to looking at any existing media and to help me access lots of different tutorials so I could learn how to use camera’s and Photoshop. As I had never used Photoshop before I struggled at first but after watching tutorials and having the teachers to help me learn I quickly picked it up. I used the magic wand tool, enhanced brightness and contrast, and removed any blemishes. The picture blow shows a photo before I edited and afterwards, to show what I have learnt.

In the photography process I used a cannon camera, I didn’t have much experience of taking photographs but I watched some tutorials (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mezp_xo6RTk) which helped me and as I had already done my preliminary task I had some experience so I decided to take some more practice photographs and then I took the photographs that I was going to use in my production and you could see the improvements.This pictures show how my photography has improved as in the first picture I cut of part of her shoulder off so then I realised I had to make sure all of the person is in the shot and then cropped afterwards.


As well as Photoshop and learning to use a camera, I also made a blog on blogger so I could keep all my work together. Even though I had never used blogger before I didn’t find it too difficult to work out. It was also very useful because all my work was together so I could flick back to it whenever I wanted to.