Week four (2) tues thurs


Citation preview





UNDERSTANDING POINT OF VIEW Point of view is important to understand because it helps determine the

subject/verb agreement We learned that the points of view are as follows:

First-Person- narrator participates in action but has limited knowledge/vision Second person- narrator addresses the reader directly as though they are part of

the story Third Person (Objective)- narrator is unnamed/unidentified (a dethatched

observer) Let’s take a closer look at these…

FIRST PERSON Pronouns: I, me, we, and us Possessive pronouns: my, mine, our, and ours Example sentences:

I went for a walk through the dark forest. I picked up Mary and we went to Dairy Queen. We ran away to where no one could find us

SECOND PERSON Pronoun: You Pronouns: you and yours Example sentence:

You walk through the forest and find an injured rabbit.

THIRD PERSON (OBJECTIVE) In this point of view we use proper nouns: Mark, Ellen, Mr. Drake, Ichabod… Pronouns: she, her, him, her, they, them, and it Possessive nouns: his, hers, its, their, and theirs Example sentences:

They like to play soccer on Saturdays. She went to the store five minutes ago. Brad is not a very good volley ball player.

Considering this, what point of view was The Legend of Sleepy Hollow written in?

SLEEPY HOLLOW POV Third Person (objective) This can be confused with first person

because the story is being told by a narrator who heard the tale from someone else Is the narrator reliable? How can we know for sure that SH is written in

third person

QUIZ TIME! Clear your desks and take out a pen or pencil Bring your quiz to the front when completed MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT

Any papers without names will not be graded and student will receive a 0 on this quiz

MECHANICS TIP Creating an MLA heading:

Your name Your professor/instructor’s name Name of course Date

Format: 15 September 2016 This heading should be double

spaced Should begin at the top of the page Left aligned On space above the title

MECHANICS TIP (CONT.) Make sure a page number is included in the heading

Top, right-hand corner Include your last name and a space between

Your title should be one space below your header: No underline, bold, or italics Same size as all text Centered

MAKING A CLAIMAnd supporting it with evidence

WHAT IS A CLAIM? An opinion

Dancing is the best form of exercise. A policy proposal

Teenagers should be required to complete community service before graduating high school.

An evaluation This company’s poor choices regarding salary and marketing have led to their

downfall. A cause-and-effect statement

If we do not change this law now then we will experience a huge tax increase on food.

An interpretation I feel that Washington Irving was creating a commentary on superstition.

GROUP WORK Your instructor will assign you to a group. Brainstorm and come up with a claim together. It can be any claim you like.

Just make sure you can expound upon it and that it is a claim you can all agree on.

Decide what type of claim you are making Write the claim at the top of a piece of paper with all your names Stay in your group when you have completed this task.

SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM WITH EVIDENCE Brainstorm ideas that support this claim Start with your own ideas, beliefs, and values on the topic Next, find scholars and sources who support this claim Example: Dancing is the best form of exercise.

My ideas, beliefs, and values: Dancing is a lot of fun Dancing is good cardio Dancing is an art that is prevalent in many cultures People of all ages love dancing

Scholastic evidence: Statistics on dancing and weight loss An article on psychology and dancing A book about dancing and culture An interview with a 81 year-old ballerina

GROUP WORK Brainstorm a list of values and beliefs regarding your claim Write down at least 6 of them on your piece of paper

DEVELOPING A THESIS This is a sentence that captures your position on a topic, idea, or interpretation 1-2 sentences Located at the end of the introductory paragraph Be as clear an specific as possible Avoid cliché language such as “The point of this paper is…” Avoid being too general with your statements and strive to be concise Examples:

Too general: Dancing is the best form of exercise

Revised: Dancing is one of the best work outs because it burns a lot of calories in a short time, it is a

very entertaining form of exercise, and it is an activity that is suitable for all age groups and cultures.

DISSECT YOUR OWN THESIS Dancing is one of the best work outs because it burns a lot of calories in a

short time, it is a very entertaining form of exercise, and it is an activity that is suitable for all age groups and cultures.

What are we going to read about in this paper?

GROUP WORK Work together to create a thesis statement for your claim. Be sure to

incorporate your values and beliefs that you noted earlier. Thesis should be 1-2 complete sentences

GROUP WORK Answer the following questions:

What would be a good attention grabber for your introductory paragraph? What scientific or scholarly support would solidify this claim? Who are you addressing this claim to? How can this claim be disputed?

After discussion, turn your group work into your instructor for today’s participation points.

The paper should include: Names of group members Claim List of evidence Thesis 4 questions

DUE: Tuesday 9/20:

Finish Sleepy Hollow Quiz #2 Bring Mini Paper to class for peer review

Thursday 9/22 Read 157-169

Journal due by 9/18 at midnight Revised mini paper is due to drop box by 9/27
