Web application sec_3


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Web Application Attacks




The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open-source application security project.

OWASP is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted.

OWASP TOP 10 lists the most prevalent attacks in a generic order

OWASP Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities

Injection Flaws

Broken Authentication and Session Management

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Insecure Direct Object References

Security Mis-configuration

Sensitive Data Exposure

Missing Function Level Action Control

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Using Known Vulnerable Components

Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

Injection Flaws

Injection flaws such as SQL, Command occur when untrusted data is sent to the application as a part of user input. Types of Injection flaws

• Command Injection Targets under lying Operating System of the Web Server (Ex: Password field contains : “somepassword; rm –rf /” ) • Code Injection Targets Application/ Web Broswer (Ex: <script>alert(“your are hacked”); </script>) • SQL Injection Targets backend Database of the Web Application. (Ex: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '' OR '1'='1' -- '; )

Do rigorous input data validation

Do server-side validation

Each parameter should be checked against a white list that specifies exactly what input will be allowed

Validation Criteria

Data type (string, integer, real, etc…)

Allowed character set or numeric range

Minimum and maximum length

Whether null is allowed

Whether duplicates are allowed

Application functions related to authentication and session management are often not implemented correctly, allowing attackers to compromise passwords, keys, session tokens, or exploit other implementation flaws to assume other user’s identity.

Commonly flawed credential management functions include password change, forgot my password, accounts update and other related functions.

Typical Impact

User accounts compromised or user sessions hijacked

Password strength

Password use

Password change controls

Password Storage

Browser caching

Re-authentication for critical functions

Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection problem, in which malicious scripts are injected into the otherwise benign and trusted web sites.

It involves tricking the browser into executing code. The browser believes that the code is part of the site runs it in that context. As a result the malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by your browser and used with that site.

Typical Impact

Steal sensitive data, rewrite web page, redirect user to phishing or malware site

Use HTML Encoding

<script>XSS example</script> gets encoded as &lt;script&gt;XSS example&lt;/script&gt;

Use URL encoding

<script>XSS example</script> gets encoded as %3Cscript%3EXSS%20example%3C%2Fscript%3E

Filter input for any special characters

Use tools such as XSS Me for Firefox or XSS Rays for Chrome to test your website for any XSS vulnerability

A direct object reference occurs when a developer exposes a reference to an internal implementation object, such as a file, directory, database record, or key, as a URL or form parameter.

An attacker can manipulate direct object references to access other users without authorization.

Typical Impact

Sensitive information disclosure

Avoid exposing your private object references to users whenever possible

Minimize user ability to predict object IDs/Names

Verify user authorization each time sensitive objects/files/contents are accessed

Use an indirect reference map to create alternative ID/Name for server side object/data so that exact ID/Name of object/data is not exposed

Some common server configuration problems that can plague the security of a site include

Unpatched security flaws in the server software

Improper file and directory permissions

Unnecessary services enabled, including content management and remote administration

Default accounts with default passwords

Overly informative error messages

Typical Impact

Server or application compromise

Configuring all security mechanisms

Turning off all unused services

Setting up roles, permissions, and accounts, including disabling all default accounts or changing their passwords

Logging and alerts

Applying the latest security patches (OS, DBMS, Web server and code libraries)

Regular vulnerability scanning from both internal and external perspectives

Sensitive data like passwords and credit cards information deserves extra protection such as encryption at rest or in transit.

Common problems leading to Sensitive data exposure :

Not encrypting sensitive data

Insecure use of strong algorithms

Continued use of proven weak algorithms

Improper key management

Typical Impact

Sensitive information disclosure

Ensure that critical data is encrypted everywhere it is stored long term, including backups of this data

Strong encryption algorithms are used for encryption

Strong keys are generated, and proper key management is in place

Access Control is a mechanism of authorizing requests to a system resource or determining if that functionality should be granted or denied.

Attacks on Access Control can be

Vertical Horizontal

Typical Impact

Elevation of privileges and disclosure of confidential data

Implement role based access control to assign permissions to application users for vertical access control

Implement data-contextual access control to assign permissions to application users in the context of specific data items for horizontal access control

Where possible restrict administrator access to machines located on the local area network (i.e. it’s best to avoid remote administrator access from public facing access points)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that tricks the victim into loading a page that contains a malicious request to perform an action on victim’s behalf.

For example, using CSRF, an attacker makes the victim perform actions that they didn't intend to, such as logout, purchase item, change account information, or any other function provided by the vulnerable website.

Typical Impact

Attackers can persuade victims to perform any function on the web application in which the user is currently authenticated

• Secret (non predictable) Validation Token

• Referrer Validation

• User re-authentication for any account related tasks (password change)

• Use of two factor authentication for any sensitive tasks (online payment)

Vulnerable software components can be identified and exploited by attackers via automated tools and vulnerability databases.

Typical Impact

The full range of weaknesses is possible, including injection, broken access control, XSS, etc.

Identify the components and their versions you are using, including all dependencies. (e.g., the versions plugin)

Monitor the security of these components in public databases, project mailing lists, and security mailing lists, and keep them up-to-date

Unvalidated redirects and forwards are possible when a web application accepts untrusted input that could cause the web application to redirect the request to a URL contained within

untrusted input.

Typical Impact

Redirect victim to phishing or malware site or bypass security checks to perform unauthorized function or data access


Malicious Redirection

Simply avoid using redirects and forwards

Spider the site to see if it generates any redirects (check for HTTP response codes)

All input must be validated against a whitelist of acceptable value ranges
