Web 2.0 Is Connecting Learners



Presentation for BCE ICT Forum and QSITE 1 day event 13 October, 2008. Amanda will discuss the relevance of connectivism theories of learning and the use of Web 2.0 or social technologies for building the connections between learners - where learners is both students and teachers. Questions will be posed for reflection on participants connections for their own learning and the opportunities available within a globally connected world.

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Web 2.0 is Connecting Learners

Amanda RablinBrisbane Catholic Education

13 October, 2008

+A warning

This presentation may contain:

Over generalisations (to stimulate discussion)

Sharing stories (mine and yours)

Rhetorical & Philosophical Questions that I may invite you to reflect on and discuss

Some theoretical and academic stuff

Reflections on Connectedness from someone still learning to be “connected”

+What do we mean by Web 2.0?




Connecting & Collaborating

Network as platform

Its power is in connecting people





+Trends in Technologies

Horizon Report 2008 Grassroots Video

– anyone can capture, edit, upload and share Collaboration webs

– create, edit, share, hold meetings in a browser Mobile broadband

– mobile devices with internet connectivity Data mashups

– custom applications combining data in new ways Collective Intelligence

– knowledge emerging from large groups Social Operating Systems

– networks organised around people


+Categories for Online Learning

Social (Learning) Networking and Collaboration


Synchronous Communication Tools

Virtual Worlds

Course/Learning Management

Digital Repository

+So is Web 2.0 connecting learners?

Do the connections exist only because of these technologies?

What Web 2.0 tools do you use for your learning? Why?

What tools have you used to support student learning for:

Inquiring? Creating? Communicating? Participating? and how?

+What do we mean by Learning in a Web 2.0 world?

We have the ability to contribute our own ideas and experiences to the sum of human knowledge that we are building online, the impact of the Web is even more powerful.

- Will Richardson -

George Siemens, Global Summit 2006

Mitchel Resnick, ACEC 2008, 30 October

+What does this mean for teachers

John Hattie, University of Auckland 2003

What makes a difference to student learning? Constant and meaningful feedback The Student – Teacher relationship Challenging goals


Paradigm Grid, Stephenson and Coomey, 2001Metaphor, Brisbane Catholic Education, 2008

+Practically Speaking…

Social (Learning) Networking and CollaborationGlobal projects on think.com

ePortfolio +Students creating visible portfolios and reflections for open feedback

Synchronous Communication ToolsUsing tools like skype to talk to other classrooms

Virtual Worlds +Skoolaborate schools collaborating globally in Second Life

Course/Learning ManagementIntegrating collaborative and class content

Digital RepositorySharing, creating and tagging content together.

+Some responses via

we used a wiki with a school in Scotland & shared lifestyles, interests etc Pam Thompson, Adelaide,

A collaborative wiki with Kenya http://kiwisforkenya.wetpaint.com plus our class blog http://m3rbs.21classes.com Erin Freeman, Christchurch, NZ

I think we do every day thru blogs. Links to students all over world and Aus. My kids feel they know these other kids. Denise Juler, Brisbane

Students being globally CONNECTED and learning together Amanda Marrinan, Brisbane http://2mgems.blogspot.com/2008/09/talking-about-learning.html 5:48 – 6:31 global conections?

From a student re connections http://tinyurl.com/59c6pjSdf & another great post on global connections from student http://tinyurl.com/4apwbj Anne Mirtschin, Victoria

Sorry I missed this tweet. Have you seen Digiteen project? http://tiny.cc/YHutA and http://digiteen.ning.com/ Anne Baird, Vic, Aust




Not just data cables

REAL people that make a difference

Using Web 2.0 tools within Professional Learning Networks the questions is not “What can I learn” (it’s all about me) but “What can I share” (it’s all about US)

If we are what we share… What will you be sharing? What are your students sharing?

+Thank You!

Email: arablin@bne.catholic.edu.au

Twitter: Ackygirl

Skype: Ackygirl

Second Life: Ackygirl Trilling
