Water and EOR Operations



Presentation for 2013 EORI CO2 Conference in Casper, WY July 9, 2013. Carly Sowecke, Geolgist for Trihydro, specializes in suppor for the oil and gas industry, including developing water monitoring plans, environmental due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and assisting clients with water recycling systems. Speaker notes included on "Notes" tab below.

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Water and EOR OperationsCarly SoweckeGeologistJuly 9, 2013

Water and Industry Introduction

Overview of issues/possible solutions Hot topic

Schedule Acquisition Management/Disposal Water Sampling and Due Diligence Looking Ahead: New Rules and Regulations Case Study Conclusions

Water Acquisition

Water Management and Disposal

Water Sampling and Due Diligence

Looking Ahead: New Water Sampling Rules and Regulations

Water Sampling and Due Diligence: A Case Study



Contact Information: Carly Sowecke

