Watch Out for These Possibly Harmful Products the Next Time You Go Shopping



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Watch Out for These

Possibly Harmful

Products the Next

Time You Go Shopping

People love shopping.

Having the ability to buy the

products we want gives us a

sense of fulfilment and joy.

However, danger can still lurk amid this supposedly

enjoyable experience.

One of these hazards is unknowingly taking home

products that might be harmful to you and your

loved ones.

According to an article published by Santa Clara

University, 34 million individuals are harmed or

killed because of product-related accidents.

These types of injuries are the main culprits behind

the deaths of people between one and 36 years of

age, even outnumbering the number of fatalities

resulting from heart disease or cancer.

The financial damages

associated with these

product-related injuries

amount to $12 billion per


It’s not the end of the world if you or someone you

love falls victim to these accidents.

A seasoned personal injury attorney can represent

you in court and get you the compensation that you


However, before it reaches

this point, it pays to know

possible harmful products

that might find its way to your

shopping bag the next time

you go shopping.


Beauty Products

In an interview with Today, esthetician Stacya

Silverman narrated how she was victimized by a

contaminated beauty product.

At a spa convention, she won a bag of beauty

products and one of the items inside the bag was

an eye cream.

That same night, she used the

cream, but instead of the

expected soothing effect an eye

cream should have, she felt her

eyes burning and the skin

around her eyes started to look

like leather.

Stacya said she looked like a

lizard for five days.

While the FDA has regulatory and monitoring

mechanisms in place to prevent this from

happening, contaminated beauty products can

still make their way to the market shelves.

Don’t ignore warning signs, even the littlest ones

– spots on a cream, slightly broken seal, etc.


Food Products

It was not too long ago when Cadbury was

forced to recall millions of its chocolate bars

because of suspected salmonella contamination.

Food is probably the easiest way for harmful

things to enter your home.

Keep an eye on recalls and warnings, and if you

think you have purchased an item that has been

recalled, don’t delay checking your refrigerator or

pantry shelves.

The same caution goes for

pet food products.

In the past few years there

have been many recalls of

dog food as well as dog

treats that were made in


It’s a good idea to check online before you

purchase a new type of dog food or treat, and to

be safe occasionally check on the pet items you

currently purchase.




Imagine yourself on your way

to work.

You feel proud and tall,

especially because you are

wearing your brand new pair

of killer stilettos that you

purchased during your last

shopping spree.

Your office is one block away, but suddenly, you

feel the earth under you go wobbly.

Next thing you know, you’re on the ground,

scowling in pain because you twisted your ankle.

It might be rare, but there are a lot

of manufacturers out there who

sell seemingly mundane things

like footwear without any regard to

good manufacturing practices.

From minor injuries to death – product-related

accidents are more common than you think.

As a consumer, it’s your duty to be vigilant and

keep an eye out on these possibly harmful


However, if you reach the point

that you have to fight it out in

court, hiring a serious injury

attorney is your best bet to get

the justice and compensation

you deserve.

If you believe you have been seriously harmed

by a defective product, a personal injury

attorney who handles product liability cases can

help you obtain compensation.

The serious injury attorney at the

Millea Law Firm, Matt Millea, will

handle your case personally and

ensure you are treated fairly.

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