Voice and choice


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Voice and Choice

Developing Assessment Capable Learners

Jen Mall (@malljen) and Michael McDowell (@mmcdowell13)

Today’s Learning Intention is...To understand the key aspects of developing assessment capable learners in your classroom and across all classrooms.

Success CriteriaBy the end of the session you will...

1.Define “voice” and “choice” in the classroom (from a learning perspective)

2.Relate the attributes of an assessment capable learner

3.Define and relate actions that promote “voice” and “choice”

4.Transfer classroom actions to a department, school, or district

3 Parts1. Defining Terms

2. Specific example(s) in the classroom

3. Scaling and Supporting

Defining Terms

VoiceHaving the knowledge and skills to

talk about your own learning.

ChoiceMaking decisions about next steps in


Define Assessm

ent Capable Learners


Capable Learners

Understanding how people (I, we, they) learn and how to

increase learning

Where am I going in my learning? Where am I now? What’s next?, How do I improve my learning and that of

others?Questions these learners have.

Building a growth Mindset

Understanding what makes a strong learner and using

that information in learning situations

Creating a

Community of

LearnersUnderstanding that peer to

peer interactions are extremely powerful and using that knowledge to enhance


OK, So How in

the classroo


Specific Examples

in Classroo


1. Transparency of learning intentions and success criteria

2. Student involvement in measuring progress, and

3. Taking collective action in next steps

4. Building the conditions in “voice” and “choice” work in the classroom

Transparency of Learning outcomes and success criteriaTEACHER ACTIONS

Create clear learning outcomes with success criteria

When possible, build and revise success criteria with colleagues

Calibrate student work

Create reasonable but challenging semester goals

awareness of external high stake marking periods

Students measure their own learningSTUDENT AND TEACHER ACTIONS

Teacher and students, in partnership, monitor learning.

Feedback loops and dialogue

Students have access to mastery level examples as well as other student work in progress.

Taking collective action in next stepsStudents use feedback to drive their own learning

Teachers use feedback to make immediate changes in the classroom - success criteria drive the classroom. (my gradebook)

Gradual release: students can begin to create their learning experiences

A culture that supports voice and choiceMutual respect and collaboration

Room for error, struggle and failure

Frequent and timely feedback

Multiple opportunities

Students are a team

Grades are a reflection of learning

Student and Teacher Learning Agreement

Lessons Learned

Scaling and


Score Description

4 TransferApplying Understanding

3 DeepMaking Meaning

2 SurfaceBuilding Knowledge

1 Direct Support


Not Yet Proficiency


Be honest with where I am at on learning progressions. I definitely am honest with where I am in this class. This way of assessment has completely made me feel alright with being in the pit because I know that I am not stuck there and that I can get myself out of it. I really appreciate all that you have done to make us feel comfortable with progress.  

 Be open to struggling…Before this class I was not open to struggling at all, so this took me a while to get used to. Now I know that I can get myself out of the pit, so I feel comfortable being in it! I just wish it was this way in the rest of my classes. ):

My annotations and thoughts on written pieces were at about a 1 level at the beginning of the semester, but with guidance in class and a lot of practice I have grown to getting a four on the last annotation. Next semester I hope to grow further. 
