Video analysis daft punk loose yourself to dance



a video analysis to loose yourself to dance by daft punk

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Shot Type Low angle-mid shot pan


0.24- This is the opening shot to the music video and instantly puts them in the middle of the shot with people around them listening at some kind of gig. They are the centre of attention with shiny clothes and glittery things all around with the lights on them making them look like showmen from the start. They are also happy and dancing with everyone else. It also gives a distinct feel to it which daft punk always have, it does not look real, it looks dreamlike with bright colours and a edit to it so that it feels it also they have a edited light coming off them also, this fits the genre as it is not trying to be serious, instead it is trying to create music which is easy to listen to and you can dance to it.

Lyrics I know you don’t get a chance to get a break or something

Shot Type Close up


1.16- The close up is of Pharrell Williams singing making it clear that he is the singer and the rest are playing instruments and back beat. He is also wearing sunglasses indoors, something which is usually used in rap, but in this is used to make him look sleek and they are a recognised brand also, again making him look sleek and smart. It also has the other members in the background still playing and he still has the light shining off him and the rest of the group.

Lyrics Lose yourself to dance ,I know you don’t get a change to have a break or something

Shot Type Long shot, low angle, pan


In this shot it is showing that everyone in the audience is joining in with the song and also they are on a large platform and the camera is making it look like they are all holding them up. The low angle is good because it shows the audiences reaction and also the band at the top and their hierarchy at this moment. It shows they are the most important people in the room at the time and everyone appreciates them and listens to them. The shot also shows the audiences facial expressions and they are all happy making the watcher happy also as it has positive vibes throughout the video.

Lyrics Lose yourself to dance, Party on the floor, party on the floor, Loose yourself to dance!

Shot Type Mid-shot


4.01- In this shot near the end it is showing the audience are dancing together and changing their styles and having a dance off with each other. It is also showing the males and females are connecting with each other and dancing together which also goes with this kind of music as it is meant to be music you can easily dance to, hence the name of the song. The shot also shows that these people are dressed like normal people and the band are dressed smartly and are key to the whole party/gig. The people look more normal whereas the band look ‘god like’ with the light coming from them and them being much higher than everyone else.

Lyrics Instrumental- loose yourself to dance,
