Veracruz English TM - Our Ultimate Potential


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Veracruz English Toastmasters

Our Ultimate Potential


David Vasquez


What Do These Three People Have In Common?

Sheryl Roush, AS Craig Valentine, WC Darren Lacroix, WC


What Do These Three People Have In Common?

Worldwide Notoriety Leading Authorities Unending OpportunitiesWithin TMI of Public Speaking of Promotion & Service


What Do We, As Members Of A Single, United Club, Have In Common?

Sufficient Grasp of English Language

Participation In TM Contests

Proactivity AndWillingness To Learn And Grow


Are We Any Different From HowThese People Started Out....?

Sufficient Grasp of Participation in Proactivity & WilllingnessEnglish Language TM Contests To Learn & Grow


Can We, Or Anyone Else, Who Joins Our Club, Aspire To Great Successes?

YESLiving Proof:Emmanuel Cruz Gómez2012 Humorous National Champion


What Is The Ultimate PotentialOf an English Club Member?

World Championship of Public Speaking---District Convention Invitations, Expenses Paid---Self-Sustaining Speaking Career, High Wage Engagements---Everlasting Legacy: Own CD's, DVD's, Books

Accredited Speaking Program---District Convention Invitations, Expenses Paid---Foundations For An Human Improvement Business---Unending Promotion Opportunities World Wide

English Language WHQ Certifications---Documented Proof of English Oratory & Management Proficiency


What Is The Ultimate PotentialOf an English Club Member?

From This... .....To This.


What Might Be, Thus, The Profile Of A New Devoted Member?

*Mostly Bilingual – Able to read most TMI materials unaided

*Ambitious – Cognizant & Desiring of the career and personal benefits granted by TMI

*Self-Visionary – Able to think in terms of 3 to 5 year projection, therefore of

their own responsibility toward– Creating their own future.


Where Can That Profile TypeBe Most Likely Found In Our Vicinity?

*Middle-High Class Suburbs, Schools & AssociationsThose who populate them, either have a mentality of success on their own accord, or have been raised into one by their upper-standing parents

*Tertiary & Quaternary Sector Companies & FirmsPrivate Consultants, Workshop Enablers, Upper-echelon executives, all have a great deal to benefit, whether from validating their already-existing skills in the TM context, or further developing them to thus be eligible to promotions

*Free-Entry[or not] Media-covered Conferences & Book Presentations Everyone attending, does so out of sheer proactivity, making them ripe forSuggestion for further investment in themselves, by visiting and ergo joining.


What, If Those Prospects AreInvited, Can The Outcome Be?

*10+ Mostly Bilingual, Sufficiently Ambitious & Self Visionary Prospects + Practical Learning System & Platform of Comm&Lead DisciplinesWith Verifiable Curricular Value & Nigh-Infinite Growth Possibilities =

Able & Devoted New Members, Fully Willing To Make The Most Out Of Our Educational Program:

– Attending Meetings Regularly– Presenting Manual Speeches– Accepting Meeting Roles– Working Diligently Toward Educational Awards


Which, In Total SumLeads Inevitably To...


Viable, Concrete DCP RESULTS


Wrapping Up

– We know the very best and brightest of our organization!

– We have the same chance to become like them!– We can show ambitious prospects & guests how to

seize these chances!– By so doing, we can get them and ourselves better

involved and invested in our club!– And in the bottom line, waiting for us, shall be DCP

viable results, successful members and a greater, better learning environment!


Thank You For Reading!
